【正文完结】他对她霸道禁锢,纠缠无度……“谁动你一根手指头,我要他一双手。你是我的心宠,没人敢碰你,你从出生始就注定是我的!”他是至尊总裁,金融界的霸者!为了征服这个女人,设下天罗地网,只等她乖乖中计!风洛洛又一次被夜袭,KAO,某男灼烫的气息扑面而来…看她如何驯服腹黑帝王!The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham's 1957 book The Midwich Cuckoos is better known by the more sensational title of its two film adaptations, Village of the Damned. The story begins with Richard and Janet Gayford who have spent the night of September 26 in London, returning to their home in Midwich the following day. Then, in ways that are difficult to pin down, the village seems changed--not quite the same place that it was before. The nightmare that descends on Midwich has dire implications for the rest of the world; whatever dwells there is sowing the seeds for a master race of ruthless and inhumane creatures who are bent on nothing less than absolute and total domination.