为了全面提高广大中小学生的知识基础,培养阅读的兴趣和爱好, 这套课外读物主要包括有关成长、生命、神童、亲情、爱心、感恩、母爱、父爱、心态、美德、人格、幽默、思维、习惯、励志、真情、名人、英雄、语文、数学、名著、唐诗、地理、历史、美术、音乐、文学、电影、谜语、哲学、哲理、信仰、智慧、文明、发现、科幻、推理、侦探、战争、探险、惊险、财富、时尚、神话、民间、公主、医学、天文、寓言、建筑、名胜、海洋、奥秘、奇趣、植物、动物的故事,既有一般的故事, 也有知识故事, 这样, 把阅读故事与掌握知识结合起来, 就能扩大阅读的深度和范围,这正是设计本套新课标课外读物的最大特色。Israel
Fleeing persecution in Europe, thousands of Jewish emigrants settled in Palestine after World War II. Renowned historian Martin Gilbert crafts a riveting account of Israel's turbulent history, from the birth of the Zionist movement under Theodor Herzl through its unexpected declaration of statehood in 1948, and through the many wars, conflicts, treaties, negotiations, and events that have shaped its past six decades—including the Six Day War, the Intifada, Suez, and the Yom Kippur War. Drawing on a wealth of first-hand source materials, eyewitness accounts, and his own personal and intimate knowledge of the country, Gilbert weaves a complex narrative that's both gripping and informative, and probes both the ideals and realities of modern statehood.