【正文完】【推荐:《限量宠爱:男神,别撩我!》Hare酱】 一夜过后,夏之初怀上了顾子遇的孩子。失去恋人的他为了孩子跟她结婚,她孤注一掷,想借此机会让他爱上自己。婚后她依旧没脸没皮,他依旧高冷傲娇。顾子遇发现自己爱上对方时,夏之初却一个转身,消失五年。五年后再见,傲娇男人化身霸道总裁,一现身便想把人带走,却发现那女人身边居然有了别的男人,还有一个可恶的小屁孩!男的踢走,小的……实在不行,家里不缺他一口吃的。总之,夏之初只能是他顾子遇的!实话实说:与大学生谈求职技巧
了解人才行情是成功求职第一步,本世纪最抢手、最赚钱的人才分析,拟写成功简历的9大标准,人事主管心目中的理想回答,学会说“我”、树立自我意识,用事实说话,展示自己,自谋职业,小心陷阱,聘用合同的谈判技巧。Evita, First Lady
Eva Peron was a star and a legend during her lifetime, one of the most alluring women of the twentieth century. Through the hit Broadway musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber, her story became famous, and with the release of the film starring Madonna as Eva Peron, her life became a media obsession once again. Whore and feminist, tyrant and saint, Evita was the beautiful and legendary woman who rose up from poverty to become the hypnotically powerful first lady of Argentina. To millions of poor people she was a savior; to her enemies she was a monstrous dictator. In this riveting biography, John Barnes explores the astonishing paradox of this champion of the poor who attacked the rich and, in the process, made herself the wealthiest woman in the world.