

Earth has consumed my charms and I forget

Thy love,from kith and kin poor banisht I.'

While she was thus,behold,Aziz came in to her and when she saw him,she fell down,fainting for very joy.He sprinkled water on her face till she revived and rising,took him in her arms and strained him to her breast,whilst he in like manner embraced her.Then he greeted her and she greeted him,and she asked the reason of his long absence,whereupon he told her all that had befallen him from first to last and informed her how Taj alMuluk had given him an hundred loads of monies and stuffs.At this she rejoiced,and Aziz abode with his mother in his native town,weeping for what mishaps had happened to him with the daughter of Dalilah the Wily One,even her who had castrated[56] him.

Such was the case with Aziz;but as regards Taj alMuluk he went in unto his beloved,the Princess Dunya,and abated her maidenhead.Then King Shahriman proceeded to equip his daughter for her journey with her husband and father in law,and bade bring them provaunt and presents and rarities.So they loaded their beasts and set forth,whilst King Shahriman escorted them,by way of farewell,three days' journey on their way,till King Shah Sulayman conjured him to return.So he took leave of them and turned back,and Taj alMuluk and his wife and father fared for wards night and day,with their troops,till they drew near their capital.As soon as the news of their coming spread abroad,the folk decorated for them the city,And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the One Hundred and Thirtyseventh Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when Shah Sulayman drew near his capital,the folk decorated the city for him and for his son.So they entered in state and the King,sitting on his throne with his son by his side,gave alms and largesse and loosed all who were in his jails.Then he held a second bridal for his son,and the sound of the singing women and players upon instruments was never silent for a whole month,and the tire women stinted not to adorn the Lady Dunya and display her in various dresses;and she tired not of the displaying nor did the women weary of gazing on her.Then Taj alMuluk,after having foregathered awhile with his father and mother,took up his sojourn with his wife,and they abode in all joyance of life and in fairest fortune,till there came to them the Destroyer of all delights.[57] Now when the Wazir Dandan had ended the tale of Taj alMuluk and the Lady Dunya,Zau alMakan said to him,'Of a truth,it is the like of thee who lighten the mourner's heart and who deserve to be the boon companions of Kings and to guide their policy in the right way.'All this befel and they were still besieging Constantinople,where they lay four whole years,till they yearned after their native land;and the troops murmured,being weary of vigil and besieging and the endurance of fray and foray by night and by day.Then King Zau alMakan summoned Rustam and Bahram and Tarkash,and when they were in presence bespoke them thus,'Know that we have lain here all these years and we have not won to our wish;nay,we have but gained increase of care and concern;for indeed we came,thinking to take our man bote for King Omar bin alNu'uman and in so doing my brother Sharrkan was slain;so is our sorrow grown to sorrows twain and our affliction to afflictions twain.All this came of the old woman Zat alDawahi,for it was she who slew the Sultan in his kingdom and carried off his wife,the Queen Sophia;nor did this suffice her,but she must put another cheat on us and cut the throat of my brother Sharrkan and indeed I have bound myself and sworn by the solemnest oaths that there is no help but I take blood wit from her.What say ye?Ponder my address and answer me.'Then they bowed their heads and answered,'It is for the Wazir Dandan to opine.'So the Minister came forward and said,'Know O King of the Age! it booteth us nought to tarry here;and'tis my counsel that we strike camp and return to our own country,there to abide for a certain time and after that we should return for a razzia upon the worshippers of idols.'

  • 三让月成魄


  • 大方广佛华严经六十卷


  • 佛说盂兰盆经疏


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  • 绝色风华:废物小姐傲视天下


  • 星罗万相


  • 雨城


  • 六十种曲玉合记


  • 夏了夏天


  • 一吻定情:恋上蜜糖夫君


  • 离婚时代


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