

'And he would have lifted him on to the horse and fared forward trusting in Allah Aider of those who seek aid,but the horse thief said,'Wait for me awhile.Then he closed his eyes and opening his hands,said I testify that there is no god but the God,and I testify that Mohammed is the Apostle of God!'And he added,'O glorious One,pardon me my mortal sin,for none can pardon mortal sins save the Immortal!'And he made ready for death and recited these couplets,'I have wronged mankind,and have ranged like wind O'er the world,and in winecups my life has past:

I've swum torrent course to bear off the horse;

And my guiles high places on plain have cast.

Much I've tried to win and o'er much my sin,

And Katul of my winnings is most and last:

I had hoped of this steed to gain wish and need,

But vain was the end of this journey vast.

I have stolen through life,and my death in strife

Was doomed by the Lord who doth all forecast And I've toiled these toils to their fatal end For an orphan,a pauper sans kith or friend!'

And when he had finished his verses he closed his eyes and opened his mouth;then with a single deathrattling he left this world.

Thereupon Kanmakan rose and dug a grave and laid him in the dust;after which he went up to the steed and kissed him and wiped his face and joyed with exceeding joy,saying,'None hath the fellow of this stallion;no,not even King Sasan.'Such was the case with Kanmakan;but as regards King Sasan,presently news came to him that the Wazir Dandan had thrown off his allegiance,and with him half the army who swore that they would have no King but Kanmakan: and the Minister had bound the troops by a solemn covenant and had gone with them to the Islands of India and to Berberland and to Blackland;[93] where he had levied armies from far and near,like unto the swollen sea for fear and none could tell the host's van from its rear.And the Minister was resolved to make for Baghdad and take the kingdom in ward and slay every soul who dare retard,having sworn not to return the sword of war to its sheath,till he had made Kanmakan King.When this news came to Sasan,he was drowned in the sea of appal,knowing that the whole state had turned against him,great and small;and his trouble redoubled and his care became despair.So he opened his treasuries and distributed his monies among his officers;and he prayed for Kanmakan's return,that he might draw his heart to him with fair usage and bounty;and make him commander of those troops which ceased not being faithful to him,so might he quench the sparks ere they became a flame.Now when the news of this reached Kanmakan by the merchants,he returned in haste to Baghdad on the back of the aforesaid stallion,and as King Sasan sat perplexed upon his throne he heard of the coming of Kanmakan;whereupon he despatched all the troops and headmen of the city to meet him.So all who were in Baghdad fared forth and met the Prince and escorted him to the palace and kissed the thresholds,whilst the damsels and the eunuchs went in to his mother and gave her the fair tidings of his return.She came to him and kissed him between the eyes,but he said to her,'O mother mine,let me go to my uncle King Sasan who hath overwhelmed me with weal and boon.'And while he so did,all the palacepeople and headmen marvelled at the beauty of the stallion and said,'No King is like unto this man.'So Kanmakan went in to King Sasan and saluted him as he rose to receive him;and,kissing his hands and feet,offered him the horse as a present.The King greeted him,saying,'Well come and welcome to my son Kanmakan! By Allah,the world hath been straitened on me by reason of thine absence,but praised be Allah for thy safety!'

And Kanmakan called down blessings on him.Then the King looked at the stallion,AlKatul highs,and knew him for the very horse he had seen in such and such a year whilst beleaguering the Crossworshippers of Constantinople with Kanmakan's sire,Zau al Makan,that time they slew his uncle Sharrkan.So he said to the Prince,'If thy father could have come by this courser,he would have bought it with a thousand blood horses: but now let the honour return to the honourable.We accept the steed and we give him back to thee as a gift,for to him thou hast more right than any wight,being knightliest of knights.'Then King Sasan bade bring forth for him dresses of honour and led horses and appointed to him the chief lodging in the palace,and showed him the utmost affection and honour,because he feared the issue of the Wazir Dandan's doings.At this Kanmakan rejoiced and shame and humiliation ceased from him.Then he went to his house and,going to his mother,asked,'O my mother,how is it with the daughter of my uncle?'Answered she,'By Allah,O my son,my concern for thine absence hath distracted me from any other,even from thy beloved;especially as she was the cause of thy strangerhood and thy separation from me.'Then he complained to her of his case,saying,'O my mother,go to her and speak with her;haply she will vouchsafe me her sight to see and dispel from me this despondency.'Replied his mother,'Idle desires abase men's necks;so put away from thee this thought that can only vex;for I will not wend to her nor go in to her with such message.'

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