

So now I have discovered to thee my secret and my proof,and I have acquainted thee with all I know; and thou reckest best what is in thy mind.'Now all the captives had heard the slave woman Marjanah,nurse to King Rumzan,speaking as she spake; when Nuzhat alZaman,without stay or delay,cried out,saying,'This King Rumzan is my brother by my father,King Omar bin alNu'uman,and his mother was Queen Abrizah,daughter of King Hardub,Lord of the Greeks; and I know this slavewoman Marjanah right well.'

With this,trouble and perplexity got hold upon Rumzan and he caused Nuzhat alZaman to be brought up to him forthright.When he looked upon her,blood yearned to blood and he questioned her of his history.She told him the tale and her story tallied with that of Marjanah,his nurse; whereupon the King was assured that he was,indeed and without a doubt,of the people of Irak; and that King Omar bin alNu'uman was his father.So without losing time he caused his sister to be unpinioned,and Nuzhat alZaman came up to him and kissed his hands,whilst her eves ran over with tears.The King west also to see her weeping,and brotherly love possessed him and his heart yearned to his brother's son Sultan Kanmakan.So he sprang to his feet and,taking the sword from the Sworder's hands (whereat the captives made sure of death),he caused them to be set close to him and he cut their bonds with the blade and said to his nurse Marjanah,'Explain the matter to this company,even as thou hast explained it to me.'

Replied she,'O King,know that this Shayth is the Wazir Dandan and he is the best of witnesses to my story,seeing that he knoweth the facts of the case.'Then she turned to the captives and repeated the whole story to them on the spot and forthright,and in presence of the Kings of the Greeks and the Kings of the Franks; whereupon Queen Nuzhat alZaman and the Wazir Dandan and all who were prisoners with them confirmed her words.When Marjanah,the bondwoman,had finished,chancing to look at Sultan Kanmakan she saw on his neck the third jewel,fellow to the two which were with Queen Abrizah; and,recognising it,she cried so loud a cry,that the palace reechoed it and said to the King,'O my son,know that now my certainty is still more assured,for this jewel that is about the neck of yonder captive is the fellow to that I hung to thy neck; and,these being the two,this captive is indeed thy brother's son,Kanmakan.'Then the slave women Marjanah turned to Kanmakan and said to him,'Let me see that jewel,O King of the Age!'; so he took it from his neck and handed it to her.Then she asked Nuzhat alZaman of the third jewel and she gave it to her; and when the two were in her hand she delivered them to King Rumzan,and the truth and proof were made manifest to him; and he was assured that he was indeed Sultan Kanmakan's uncle and that his father was King Omar bin al Nu'uman.So he rose at once and on the spot and,going up to the Wazir Dandan,threw his arms round his neck; then he embraced King Kanmakan and the twain cried a loud cry for excess of joy.

The glad news was blazed abroad without delay; and they beat the tabrets and cymbals,whilst the shawms sounded and the people held high festival.The armies of Irak and Syria heard the clamour of rejoicing among the Greeks; so they mounted to the last man,and King Zibl Khan also took horse saying to himself,'Would I knew what can be the cause of this clamour and rejoicing in the army of the Franks and the Greeks!'Then the army of Irak dight itself for fight and advanced into the plain and place of cut and foin.Presently,King Rumzan turned him round and saw the army deployed and in preparing for battle employed,so he asked the cause thereof and was told the state of the case.

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