

'I can much more easily believe Mr. Bingley's being imposed on,than that Mr.Wickham should invent such a history of himself as he gave me last night;names,facts,every thing mentioned without ceremony.—If it be not so,let Mr.Darcy contradict it.Besides,there was truth in his looks.'

'It is difficult indeed—it is distressing.—One does not know what to think.'

'I beg your pardon;—one knows exactly what to think.'

But Jane could think with certainty on only one point,—that Mr. Bingley,if he had been imposed on,would have much to suffer when the affair became public.

The two young ladies were summoned from the shrubbery where this conversation passed,by the arrival of some of the very persons of whom they had been speaking;Mr. Bingley and his sisters came to give their personal invitation for the long expected ball at Netherfield,which was fixed for the following Tuesday.The two ladies were delighted to see their dear friend again,called it an age since they had met,and repeatedly asked what she had been doing with herself since their separation.To the rest of the family they paid little attention;avoiding Mrs.Bennet as much as possible,saying not much to Elizabeth,and nothing at all to the others.They were soon gone again,rising from their seats with an activity which took their brother by surprise,and hurrying off as if eager to escape from Mrs.Bennet's civilities.

The prospect of the Netherfield ball was extremely agreeable to every female of the family. Mrs.Bennet chose to consider it as given in compliment to her eldest daughter,and was particularly flattered by receiving the invitation from Mr.Bingley himself;instead of a ceremonious card.Jane pictured to herself a happy evening in the society of her two friends,and the attention of their brother;and Elizabeth thought with pleasure of dancing a great deal with Mr.Wickham,and of seeing a confirmation of every thing in Mr.Darcy's looks and behaviour.The happiness anticipated by Catherine and Lydia,depended less on any single event,or any particular person,for though they each,like Elizabeth,meant to dance half the evening with Mr.Wickham,he was by no means the only partner who could satisfy them,and a ball was at any rate,a ball.And even Mary could assure her family that she had no disinclination for it.

'While I can have my mornings to myself,'said she,'it is enough.—I think it no sacrifice to join occasionally in evening engagements. Society has claims on us all;and I profess myself one of those who consider intervals of recreation and amusement as desirable for every body.'

Elizabeth's spirits were so high on the occasion,that though she did not often speak unnecessarily to Mr. Collins,she could not help asking him whether he intended to accept Mr.Bingley's invitation,and if he did,whether he would think it proper to join in the evening's amusement;and she was rather surprised to find that he entertained no scruple whatever on that head,and was very far from dreading a rebuke either from the Archbishop,or Lady Catherine de Bourgh,by venturing to dance.

'I am by no means of opinion,I assure you,'said he,'that a ball of this kind,given by a young man of character,to respectable people,can have any evil tendency;and I am so far from objecting to dancing myself that I shall hope to be honoured with the hands of all my fair cousins in the course of the evening,and I take this opportunity of soliciting yours,Miss Elizabeth,for the two first dances especially,—a preference which I trust my cousin Jane will attribute to the right cause,and not to any disrespect for her.'

Elizabeth felt herself completely taken in. She had fully proposed being engaged by Wickham for those very dances:—and to have Mr.Collins instead!her liveliness had been never worse timed.There was no help for it however.Mr.Wickham's happiness and her own was per force delayed a little longer,and Mr.Collins's proposal accepted with as good a grace as she could.She was not the better pleased with his gallantry,from the idea it suggested of something more.—It now first struck her,that she was selected from among her sisters as worthy of being the mistress of Hunsford Parsonage,and of assisting to form a quadrille table at Rosings,in the absence of more eligible visitors.The idea soon reached to conviction,as she observed his increasing civilities toward herself,and heard his frequent attempt at a compliment on her wit and vivacity;and though more astonished than gratified herself,by this effect of her charms,it was not long before her mother gave her to understand that the probability of their marriage was exceedingly agreeable to her.Elizabeth however did not chuse to take the hint,being well aware that a serious dispute must be the consequence of any reply.Mr.Collins might never make the offer,and till he did,it was useless to quarrel about him.

If there had not been a Netherfield ball to prepare for and talk of,the younger Miss Bennets would have been in a pitiable state at this time,for from the day of the invitation,to the day of the ball,there was such a succession of rain as prevented their walking to Meryton once. No aunt,no officers,no news could be sought after;—the very shoe-roses for Netherfield were got by proxy.Even Elizabeth might have found some trial of her patience in weather,which totally suspended the improvement of her acquaintance with Mr.Wickham;and nothing less than a dance on Tuesday,could have made such a Friday,Saturday,Sunday and Monday,endurable to Kitty and Lydia.

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