

She perfectly remembered every thing that had passed in conversation between Wickham and herself,in their first evening at Mr. Philips's.Many of his expressions were still fresh in her memory.She was now struck with the impropriety of such communications to a stranger,and wondered it had escaped her before.She saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done,and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct.She remembered that he had boasted of having no fear of seeing Mr.Darcy—that Mr.Darcy might leave the country,but that he should stand his ground;yet he had avoided the Netherfield ball the very next week.She remembered also,that till the Netherfield family had quitted the country,he had told his story to no one but herself;but that after their removal,it had been every where discussed;that he had then no reserves,no scruples in sinking Mr.Darcy's character,though he had assured her that respect for the father,would always prevent his exposing the son.

How differently did every thing now appear in which he was concerned!His attentions to Miss King were now the consequence of views solely and hatefully mercenary;and the mediocrity of herfortune proved no longer the moderation of his wishes,but his eagerness to grasp at any thing. His behaviour to herself could now have had no tolerable motive;he had either been deceived with regard to her fortune,or had been gratifying his vanity by encouraging the preference which she believed she had most incautiously shewn.Every lingering struggle in his favour grew fainter and fainter;and in farther justification of Mr.Darcy,she could not but allow that Mr.Bingley,when questioned by Jane,had long ago asserted his blamelessness in the affair;that proud and repulsive as were his manners,she had never,in the whole course of their acquaintance,an acquaintance which had latterly brought them much together,and given her a sort of intimacy with his ways,seen any thing that betrayed him to be unprincipled or unjust—any thing that spoke him of irreligious or immoral habits.That among his own connections he was esteemed and valued—that even Wickham had allowed him merit as a brother,and that she had often heard him speak so affectionately of his sister as to prove him capable of some amiable feeling.That had his actions been what Wickham represented them,so gross a violation of every thing right could hardly have been concealed from the world;and that friendship between a person capable of it,and such an amiable man as Mr.Bingley,was incomprehensible.

She grew absolutely ashamed of herself.—Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think,without feeling that she had been blind,partial,prejudiced,absurd.

'How despicably have I acted!'she cried.—'I,who have prided myself on my discernment!—I,who have valued myself on my abilities!who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister,and gratified my vanity,in useless or blameable distrust.—How humiliating is this discovery!—Yet,how just a humiliation!—Had I been in love,I could not have been more wretchedly blind. But vanity,not love,has been my folly.—Pleased with the preference of one,and offended by the neglect of the other,on the very beginning of our acquaintance,I have courted prepossession and ignorance,and driven reason away,where either were concerned.Till this moment,I never knew myself.'

From herself to Jane—from Jane to Bingley,her thoughts were in a line which soon brought to her recollection that Mr. Darcy's explanation there,had appeared very insufficient;and she read it again.Widely different was the effect of a second perusal.—How could she deny that credit to his assertions,in one instance,which she had been obliged to give in the other?—He declared himself to have been totally unsuspicious of her sister's attachment;—and she could not help remembering what Charlotte's opinion had always been.—Neither could she deny the justice of his deion of Jane.—She felt that Jane's feelings,though fervent,were little displayed,and that there was a constant complacency in her air and manner,not often united with great sensibility.

When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned,in terms of such mortifying,yet merited reproach,her sense of shame was severe. The justice of the charge struck her too forcibly for denial,and the circumstances to which he particularly alluded,as having passed at the Netherfield ball,and as confirming all his first disapprobation,could not have made a stronger impression on his mind than on hers.

The compliment to herself and her sister,was not unfelt. It soothed,but it could not console her for the contempt which had been thus self-attracted by the rest of her family;—and as sheconsidered that Jane's disappointment had in fact been the work of her nearest relations,and reflected how materially the credit of both must be hurt by such impropriety of conduct,she felt depressed beyond any thing she had ever known before.

After wandering along the lane for two hours,giving way to every variety of thought;reconsidering events,determining probabilities,and reconciling herself as well as she could,to a change so sudden and so important,fatigue,and a recollection of her long absence,made her at length return home;and she entered the house with the wish of appearing cheerful as usual,and the resolution of repressing such reflections as must make her unfit for conversation.

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    从懵懂到年少,从校服到婚纱,时光荏苒,一路有他。冷漠独立的少年,霸道腹黑,从不与人亲近,可是有一天,他却被萌妹缠上,扬言要和他回家,从此他的生活,发生了天翻地覆的变化。【本文1v1高甜养成文。】【四岁,她摔了一跤邂逅一位帅哥哥,他冷漠孤傲,她呆萌粘人。】“大哥哥,你的床好软。”“别吵。”“大哥哥,我要你和我玩。”“大哥哥,你是不是不喜欢我?”【十三岁,她三级跳归来,成为校草学长的心尖宠,一滴眼泪,换来深情告白。】“丫头,你不需要多么的优秀。”“我只希望你不要那么败家。”“败家?那我以后少吃一点。”“笨丫头,你的眼泪比钻石还要珍贵,掉在地上我捡不起来,你这样是有多败家。”【二十岁大学毕业,他是高高在上的霸道总裁,她只是小小的娱乐记者,他却把她宠上天。】“以后不要出去跑采访。”“那我的任务怎么办?”“你可以采访我,顺便公开下我们的婚期。”“可是……”“没有可是,以后你只可以采访我。” 【新文,豪门宠婚之总裁娇妻升职记】
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