

Persuaded as Miss Bingley was that Darcy admired Elizabeth,this was not the best method of recommending herself;but angrypeople are not always wise;and in seeing him at last look somewhat nettled,she had all the success she expected. He was resolutely silent however;and,from a determination of making him speak,she continued,

'I remember,when we first knew her in Hertfordshire,how amazed we all were to find that she was a reputed beauty;and I particularly recollect your saying one night,after they had been dining at Netherfield,“She a beauty!—I should as soon call her mother a wit.”But afterwards she seemed to improve on you,and I believe you thought her rather pretty at one time.'

'Yes,'replied Darcy,who could contain himself no longer,'but that was only when I first knew her,for it is many months since I have considered her as one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance.'

He then went away,and Miss Bingley was left to all the satisfaction of having forced him to say what gave no one any pain but herself.

Mrs. Gardiner and Elizabeth talked of all that had occurred,during their visit,as they returned,except what had particularly interested them both.The looks and behaviour of every body they had seen were discussed,except of the person who had mostly engaged their attention.They talked of his sister,his friends,his house,his fruit,of every thing but himself;yet Elizabeth was longing to know what Mrs.Gardiner thought of him,and Mrs.Gardiner would have been highly gratified by her niece's beginning the subject.


E lizabeth had been a good deal disappointed in not finding a letter from Jane,on their first arrival at Lambton;and this disappointment had been renewed on each of the mornings that had now been spent there;but on the third,her repining was over,and her sister justified by the receipt of two letters from her at once,on one of which was marked that it had been missent elsewhere. Elizabeth was not surprised at it,as Jane had written the direction remarkably ill.

They had just been preparing to walk as the letters came in;and her uncle and aunt,leaving her to enjoy them in quiet,set off by themselves. The one missent must be first attended to;it had been written five days ago.The beginning contained an account of all their little parties and engagements,with such news as the country afforded;but the latter half,which was dated a day later,and written in evident agitation,gave more important intelligence.It was to this effect:

'Since writing the above,dearest Lizzy,something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature;but I am afraid of alarming you—be assured that we are all well. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia.An express came at twelve last night,just as we were all gone to bed,from Colonel Forster,to inform us that she was gone off to Scotland with one of his officers;to own the truth,with Wickham!—Imagine our surprise.To Kitty,however,it does not seem so wholly unexpected.I am very,very sorry.So imprudent a match on both sides!—But I am willing to hope thebest,and that his character has been misunderstood.Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him,but this step(and let us rejoice over it)marks nothing bad at heart.His choice is disinterested at least,for he must know my father can give her nothing.Our poor mother is sadly grieved.My father bears it better.How thankful am I,that we never let them know what has been said against him;we must forget it ourselves.They were off Saturday night about twelve,as is conjectured,but were not missed till yesterday morning at eight.The express was sent off directly.My dear Lizzy,they must have passed within ten miles of us.Colonel Forster gives us reason to expect him here soon.Lydia left a few lines for his wife,informing her of their intention.I must conclude,for I cannot be long from my poor mother.I am afraid you will not be able to make it out,but I hardly know what I have written.'

Without allowing herself time for consideration,and scarcely knowing what she felt,Elizabeth on finishing this letter,instantly seized the other,and opening it with the utmost impatience,read as follows:it had been written a day later than the conclusion of the first.

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