

October 1. In the Morning I saw to my great Surprise the Ship had floated with the high Tide,and was driven on Shore again much nearer the Island,which as it was some Comfort on one hand,for seeing her sit upright,and not broken to Pieces,I hop'd,if the Wind abated,I might get on board,and get some Food and Necessaries out of her for my Relief;so on the other hand,it renew'd my Grief at the Loss of my Comrades,who I imagin'd if we had all staid on board might have sav'd the Ship,or at least that they would not have been all drown'd as they were;and that had the Men been sav'd,we might perhaps have built us a Boat out of the Ruins of the Ship,to have carried us to some other Part of the World. I spent great Part of this Day in perplexing my self on these things;but at length seeing the Ship almost dry,I went upon the Sand as near as I could,and then swam on board;this Day also it continu'd raining,tho' with n'o Wind at all.

From the 1st of October,to the 24th. All these Days entirely spent in many several Voyages to get all I could out of the Ship,which I brought on Shore,every Tide of Flood,upon Rafts. Much Rain also in these Days,tho' with some Intervals of fair Weather:But,it seems,this was the rainy Season.

Oct.20. I overset my Raft,and all the Goods I had got upon it,but being in shoal Water,and the things being chiefly heavy,I recover'd many of them when the Tide was out.

Oct. 25. It rain'd all Night and all Day,with some Gusts of Wind,during which time the Ship broke in Pieces,the Wind blowing a little harder than before,and was no more to be seen,except the Wreck of her,and that only at low Water. I spent this Day in covering and securing the Goods which I had sav'd,that the Rain might not spoil them.

Oct. 26. I walk'd about the Shore almost all Day to find out a place to fix my Habitation,greatly concern'd to secure my self from an Attack in the Night,either from wild Beasts or Men. Towards Night I fix'd upon a proper Place under a Rock,and mark'd out a Semi-Circle for my Encampment,which I resolv'd to strengthen with a Work,Wall,or Fortification made of double Piles,lin'd within with Cables,and without with Turf.

From the 26th. to the 30th. I work'd very hard in carrying all my Goods to my new Habitation,tho' some Part of the time it rain'd exceeding hard.

The 31st. in the Morning I went out into the Island with my Gun to see for some Food,and discover the Country,when I kill'd a She-Goat,and her Kid follow'd me home,which I afterwards kill'd also because it would not feed.

November. 1. I set up my Tent under a Rock,and lay there for the first Night,making it as large as I could with Stakes driven in to swing my Hammock upon.

Nov. 2. I set up all my Chests and Boards,and the Pieces of Timber which made my Rafts,and with them form'd a Fence round me,a little within the Place I had mark'd out for my Fortification.

Nov. 3. I went out with my Gun and kill'd two Fowls like Ducks,which were very good Food. In the Afternoon went to work to make me a Table.

Nov. 4. This Morning I began to order my times of Work,of going out with my Gun,time of Sleep,and time of Diversion,viz. Every Morning I walk'd out with my Gun for two or three Hours if it did not rain,then employ'd my self to work till about Eleven a-Clock,then eat what I had to live on,and from Twelve to Two I lay down to sleep,the Weather being excessive hot,and then in the Evening to work again:The working Part of this Day and of the next were wholly employ'd in making my Table,for I was yet but a very sorry Workman,tho' Time and Necessity made me a compleat natural Mechanick soon after,as I believe it would do any one else.

Nov. 5. This Day went abroad with my Gun and my Dog,and kill'd a wild Cat,her Skin pretty soft,but her Flesh good for nothing:Every Creature I kill'd I took off the skins and preserv'd them:Coming back by the Sea Shore,I saw many Sorts of Sea Fowls which I did not understand,but was surpris'd and almost frighted with two or three Seals,which,while I was gazing at,not well knowing what they were,got into the Sea and escap'd me for that time.

Nov. 6. After my Morning Walk I went to work with my Table again,and finish'd it,tho' not to my liking;nor was it long before I learn'd to mend' it.

Nov. 7. Now it began to be settled fair Weather. The 7th,8th,9th,10th,and Part of the 12th. (for the 11th was Sunday) I took wholly up to make me a Chair,and with much ado brought it to a tolerable Shape,but never to please me,and even in the making I pull'd it in Pieces several times. Note,I soon neglected my keeping Sundays,for omitting my Mark for them on my Post,I forgot which was which.

Nov. 13. This Day it rain'd,which refresh'd me exceedingly,and cool'd the Earth,but it was accompany'd with ferrible Thunder and Lightning,which frighted me dreadfully for fear of my Powder;as soon as it was over,I resolv'd to separate my Stock of Powder into as many little Parcels as possible,that it might not be in Danger.

Nov. 14,15,16. These three Days I spent in making little square Chests or Boxes,which might hold about a Pound or two Pound,at most,of Powder,and so putting the Powder in,I stow'd it in Places as secure and remote from one another as possible. On one of these three Days I kill'd a large Bird that was good to eat,but I know not what to call it.

Nov. 17. This Day I began to dig behind my Tent into the Rock to make room for my farther Conveniency:Note,Two Things I wanted exceedingly for this Work,viz. A Pick-axe,a Shovel,and a Wheel-barrow or Basket,so I desisted from my Work,and began to consider how to supply that Want and make me some Tools;as for a Pickaxe,I made use of the Iron Crows,which were proper enough,tho' heavy;but the next thing was a Shovel or Spade,this was so absolutely necessary,that indeed I could do nothing effectually without it,but what kind of one to make I knew not.

  • 铜符铁卷


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  • 悍妇娶夫好种田


  • 永康民俗


  • 团宠公主要小心点


  • 悟空,为师来了!


    【爆笑/修仙/系统流+玄幻流/宠/女追男/欢喜冤家】你好,我是唐笙,妖事屋女主人为您服务——什么?你找我大徒弟悟空?不行不行,他只服务我一人——二徒弟八戒?他可是大明星,请他出马那得六位数起步!——三徒弟沙僧?啧啧啧,他乃是个暴力狂,你这小身板禁不住——咳咳,你说我那四徒弟小白龙呀?人家是官二代哟,惹不起惹不起——嗯?你说我们不务正业?哪有!俺们妖事屋可是世界顶尖的灵异事件处理所!至于服务啥的嘛,嘿嘿,那是副业,俺们只卖艺不卖身!(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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  • 绝世大小姐邪王追妻


    沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,微微一笑倾城也。曾经的废物,一朝之间脱胎换骨,艳绝天下,倾国又倾城。当众人恍然发现她才是那倾尽天下的红颜,踏入她家里提亲的人络绎不绝,却发现佳人难再得,名花已有主。场景一“江山与美人,孰轻孰重?”女子巧笑嫣然,说出的话却是暗藏玄机。男子却笑得分外宠溺,毫不犹豫的答道:“美人若要这个天下,我必双手奉上。”场景二一道道天雷劈下,狰狞恐怖,那天空之下的女子脸色苍白,看着身边那个替自己挡雷劫的男人,想推开他。 男子却只是笑:“我说过,碧落黄泉,天涯海角我永远陪着你,话已出口,怎能食言?”
  • 应是花开


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  • HALO秋叶

