惨遭背叛穿越成落魄倍受欺凌的风家庶出的白痴九小姐,杀手风九也很无奈。什么,那个有妹控的倾国倾城的哥哥要回来了?什么,嫡姐想欺负姐?不好意思姐虐得你渣渣都不剩!什么,未婚夫觉得姐是花瓶,空有美貌没有实力要退婚?哦NoNoNo,告诉你,姐不仅不是花瓶,除了是传说中的神合体、五灵全修的天才、还得到千古一帝的传承!什么,火凰国第一天才,有圣兽做契约兽,还有大陆排名第三的宗派做后盾?切切切,圣兽算什么,神兽超神兽都赶着姐跑呢,还有那什么第一大宗都追着要倒贴姐姐!不过……哼哼,住在对面府里的那个妖孽你几个意思,我只不过一不小心偷看你洗了个澡而已,干嘛死追不放,别以为你比我强我就怕--情节虚构,请勿模仿A Topps League Story
The Pine City Porcupines' batboy, Chad, breaks an important unofficial rule of baseball: Don't talk to the starting pitcher when he's got a perfect game going, where not a single opponent has reached base. Now, because Chad opened his mouth, the entire Pines dugout is upset, the team may lose to the second-to-last-place West Valley Varmints, and Chad has to consult his baseball card collection to figure out how to help his beloved team pull off the perfect game.