本书是作者演讲稿的汇集,大多针对生活中有趣的见闻有感而发,比如男女之间吃什么的”随便”话题,比如《那些年我不明白的事》从成人的角度讲述了懵懂的时候,小孩子们的奇思妙想,读来令人忍俊不禁。作者的演讲稿小处着笔,却立意深刻,小小的论点却能有深刻的思考和细腻的情感在里面。每一篇独立短篇都可以视为是优秀的散文随笔,视野独特,文笔幽默,令人不忍卒读。Sweet Second Love
Two years ago, when Linda Kendall's husband and children died in a tragic car accident, she wished she had died too--and believed that her life was over. When she accepts the position of nanny to the Conde Duarte de Dominga's three young charges, she believes she will never again feel passion for another man.But the Conde teaches her differently. Charming and handsome, his presence fills Linda with a desire she'd believed herself incapable of--and reminds her of the joys of being alive. And when he proposes marriage, Linda is tempted to accept. But can she allow herself to love again--and open up her heart once more to loss?