故事发生在抗战期间的上海,由女主人公玫在晚年讲述给一位传记作者听:玫在1939年的上海,爱上一名刚刚逃离集中营上岸的犹太男子。那时赶上约瑟夫·梅辛格臭名昭著的“终极解决方案”就要实施,为让爱人去美国,玫临时在上海抓了个救星--另一位美国青年--做自己的丈夫。乱世中,小人物们开始一串连环套式的命运救助,最后,玫用“爱人”的钱赎救了“丈夫”,用“丈夫”的护照让“爱人”脱险,同时,以毁掉对爱情的原始理解和信念的方式,去实现了爱情……故事结局在爱情的部分出人意料,令人叹惋。这部作品是严歌苓在题材、写作手法和女性角色塑造上又一次新鲜成功的尝试。同时,小说延续了作者独特的自述式与视觉化的叙事风格。Before he Kills (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 1)
From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a heart-pounding new mystery series.In the cornfields of Nebraska a woman is found murdered, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn't take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun.Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even for Mackenzie this new case proves an impossible riddle, something the likes of which she—and the local force—have ever seen.