Troy High
Homer's Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High. Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who used to be the captain of the Spartan cheerleaders—transfers to Troy High and falls madly in love with Cassie's brother Perry, the Spartans vow that the annual homecoming game will never be forgotten. Off the football field, an escalating prank war fuels tensions between the schools. The stakes are raised when Cassie is forced to choose between the boy she loves (a Spartan) and loyalty to her family and school. Troy High will seduce readers with its cast of mythic proportions.坐下,和自己谈一次灵魂
你该怎么安抚一颗漂浮而躁动不安的心灵?如何才能看清生命的真相?命运的手要将你导向何处?哪里才能找到精神的家园? 这些年,你一直在路上。现在,坐下来和自己谈谈,好好梳理一下过去,想清楚,你到底想要什么?接下来,你该何去何从?领导的方与圆:洞察人性管理的奥秘
我们常常听见有些领导抱怨:中国人真难管!我们的回应则是:谁让您管中国人?“管理”一共两个字,一个是“管”,一个是“理”。 “管事理人”,是领导者做好工作的根本。曾仕强教授在书中用风趣幽默的语言,向世人阐述了管理者“外圆内方”的领导艺术,令你在读后充分领悟领导者从成功到卓越的真谛。巴黎圣母院(语文新课标课外读物)