早晨出来就心情不顺,这主要是姐夫闹的。姐夫没有工作,整天呆在家中看什么都不顺眼,王点娃在他家住,就免不了要受他的气。姐姐王见娃告诉王点娃,别听他死爹哭妈的,就那揍性,早死早利索。可是王点娃不能不往心里去,她毕竟占了他们家一席位置,吃饭要占他们的桌子,睡觉要占他们的床,洗衣服要占他们家的洗衣机,连去卫生间也要和他们抢蹲位。这让王点娃比谁都在意姐夫。偏偏姐夫不管王点娃的感受,总是抽风似的摔脸子,不管啥时都摔,连吃饭时都不闲着,不是嫌菜淡了,就是嫌饭焖稀了,弄得王点娃进也不是,退也不是。本是指望找个好对象,嫁出去就好了,可是对象却没有房子,比她经济还拮据,就越发让王点娃对未来看不到希望。Fly By Night
Everybody knew that books were dangerous. Read the wrong book, it was said, and the words crawled around your brain on black legs and drove you mad, wicked mad. Mosca Mye was born at a time sacred to Goodman Palpitattle, He Who Keeps Flies out of Jams and Butterchurns, which is why her father insisted on naming her after the housefly. He also insisted on teaching her to read—even in a world where books are dangerous, regulated things. Eight years later, Quillam Mye died, leaving behind an orphaned daughter with an inauspicious name and an all-consuming hunger for words. Trapped for years in the care of her cruel Uncle Westerly and Aunt Briony, Mosca leaps at the opportunity for escape, though it comes in the form of sneaky swindler Eponymous Clent. As she travels the land with Clent and her pet goose, Saracen, Mosca begins to discover complicated truths about the world she inhabits and the power of words.Vernon God Little
Hailed by the critics and lauded by readers for its riotously funny and scathing portrayal of America in an age of trial by media, materialism, and violence, Vernon God Little was an international sensation when it was first published in 2003 and awarded the prestigious Man Booker wkkk.net memorable portrait of America is seen through the eyes of a wry, young, protagonist. Fifteen-year-old Vernon narrates the story with a cynical twang and a four-letter barb for each of his townsfolk, a medley of characters. With a plot involving a school shooting and death-row reality TV shows, Pierre's effortless prose and dialogue combine to form a novel of postmodern gamesmanship.