没有不景气 只有不争气
遇到低谷期,你就得努力克服,而且还得一路走过来。在一路走来的时候,我们经常会这样问自己:低谷期是否含有某些发人深省的东西?低谷期实际上意味着什么?它传达了什么样的信息,我们要怎样去理解和尝试呢?而这些问题的答案就是一个:把脚步放慢点!干任何事情,实际上都不可能做到一帆风顺,决策一个比一个英明,措施一个比一个得力。该书告诉我们,人的一生都不可能是风平浪静、一路平坦的,会遇到许多的坎坷和困难,若不去正视与克服这些关隘,就会彻底地堵塞通往成功的大路,而克服这些困难就需要我们自己争气,因为命运掌握在我们自己的手中。Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
I had a bad August. A very bad August. As bad as pickle juice on a cookie. Eleanor's beloved babysitter, Bibi, is moving away. Suddenly, the things she used to enjoy aren't fun anymore —everything reminds her of Bibi. To make matters worse, Eleanor has a new babysitter, who just isn't the same. But as the new school year looms ahead, so do new beginnings. And Eleanor is about to learn some special things about herself, friendship, and the bittersweet process of growing up.