《千家诗》是明清两朝流传极广、 影响深远的儿童普及读物。它从一开始就受到广大读者的青睐,而“千家诗 ”这个书名更是广被采用,例如清代有《国朝干家诗》、民国间有《醒世千家诗》,当代又出现《官厅湖畔千家诗》、《岭南千家诗》 、《外国千家诗》等,不一而足,蔚为大观,足见“千家诗”的影响。 《千家诗(双色注音版)》为“国学启蒙书系列”中的一册。 在《千家诗(双色注音版)》一书中,编者韩震等人采用活泼插图的表现 方式,编选相关的精彩故事,融知识性与趣味性于一体,让青少年在诵读中 轻松快乐地亲近《千家诗》,更直观、真切地感受《千家诗》的魅力,在阅 读中积淀文化底蕴,培养良好道德品质,从而受益一生。Ride The Nightmare
At 32, Chris Martin lives a conventional life. He's married with a daughter, runs his own small business, and is working to save up money for a bigger home with his wife, Helen. He is happy and content with this staid but comfortable existence—until a late weeknight phone call turns everything upside down.Chris hasn't always been the model family man he appears to be. And when his past catches up to him, the terror comes into his home—just where he thought he was safest. As Chris finds all that he loves under attack, he must go to heroic lengths to keep his family and his life together.刁蛮女捕:公子你别急