在足球还给国人一点希望的时候,我知道国安队有个小眼睛球星高洪波。后来,机缘巧合,又碰上了另一个高洪波。在八十年代末的一次文学界活动中,《当代》杂志的汪兆骞兄向我“严重”介绍了时任《中国作家》副主编的儿童文学作家、诗人高洪波。九十年代中期我到中国作协给《作家通讯》主编高伟送稿,正赶上时任创联部主任的高洪波在他办公室,高洪波顺口夸奖了我写的几篇文章。那时我在医疗卫生行业报当记者,白天为人道主义奋斗,晚上就做一枕黄梁文学梦。一个月后,我试探着给高洪波打电话询问可否推荐我到《文艺报》当记者,也好名正言顺地当当文学青年。他说:可以啊,总编郑伯农是我多年的老领导、老棋友。Such a Pretty Face
With stories by acclaimed and exciting new YA writers: Louise HawesJ. James Keels Ron Koertge Chris Lynch Norma Fox Mazer Lauren Myracle Jamie Pittel Anita Riggio Mary Ann Rodman Ellen Wittlinger Jacqueline Woodson Tim Wynne-Jones A stellar line-up of young adult writers examines our relationship with beauty in stories that haunt, amuse, stir, and fascinate. A beauty queen with a chin-hair problem, an aspiring model who would rather take pictures than be in them, a boy in love with the gorgeous nurse he's never seen, a girl named Beauty who feels like anything but—the teenagers in these dozen stories feel the power of beauty, whether it's to trap, save, torment, or comfort. In an era when image seems to have triumphed over virtue and reason, this timely, discussion-provoking collection asks young readers to think about what is truly beautiful.