《古代文学前沿与评论》由中国社会科学院优势学科文学研究所古代文学学科主办,以组织、发表学科内各类学术评论(特稿、笔谈、书评、访谈、专题评论、前沿综述、会议纪要、项目动态、论点汇编、新资料或特藏文献等)为基本方式,致力于追踪中国古代文学学科的前沿状况、反思学术史经验、前瞻未来动向。本书是第一辑,分为“十年前瞻”高峰论坛、特稿、专题:《古本戏曲丛刊》与戏曲文献研究、特约访谈、新著序跋、前沿思考、会议综述七个专题。A Dirge for Princes (A Throne for Sisters—Book Fou
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)From #1 Bestseller Morgan Rice comes an unforgettable new fantasy series.In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia, 17, battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D'Angelica. Will her sister Kate's new powers be enough to bring her back?The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only know connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don't know if their reception will be warm or hostile.绝世娘亲天才萌宝
【YY爽文+女强男更强+N美男靓女】穿越而来正统继承人变成私生子!有没有天理?还是一个废物?怎么可能?她要扭转时空!腹黑男的出现,带着她重新成为了修炼的天才,天才中的怪才!顺带带来了一个儿子,“不会吧?我才十五岁啊!就有一个儿子?还让不让人活了?”某儿子:“娘亲,我可是从你肚子里面蹦出来的,货真价实!不要再抵赖了!”某腹黑男“夫人,亲爱的,我能作证,是我把这臭小子塞进你的肚子的!”某女:“……”某腹黑男:“儿子!好好看着你娘亲,爹爹回去了,不要让你娘亲弄个后爹回来,不然,你以后的日子就惨了,亲爹比后爹可要好啊!”某儿子:“后爹?还后妈呢,你也别给你儿子弄出一个后妈来,不然,亲妈要发飙!”THE HORSE AND HIS BOY (英文朗读版)