新书《带娃种田:夫君,求休战!》火热连载,欢迎入坑。 他一朝荣登皇榜,中状元归来。满心喜悦欢喜的等待,等来的不是夫妻团圆,幸福美满。他化作恶魔,无情的挥起剪刀,剪破她的肚皮,剜出他们的孩子,他说,毁了她和孩子,他才能成为人上人。上一世,不得善终,这一辈子必将负她之人打入万劫不复之地。一朝魂丧,浴血重生,这一世发誓不嫁读书人,可是,捡来的相公,你不是说你就是个种地卖粮食的吗?那个状元是怎么回事?来我们马上谈谈,不是,老娘要休夫。。。。。
Death in a Strange Country
Early one morning Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice Police confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of a fetid canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging, but for Brunetti the motive of robbery seems altogether too convenient. When something is discovered in the victim's apartment that suggests the existence of a high-level conspiracy, Brunetti becomes convinced that somebody, somewhere, is taking great pains to provide a ready-made solution to the wkkk.net with atmosphere and marvelous plotting, Death in a Strange Country is a superb novel in Donna Leon's chilling Venetian mystery series.感悟人生:送给年轻人受益一生的珍贵礼物