余白亦不过是在河里洗了个澡,顺手将插在河底的一把剑给拔了出来,结果就有个男人跑过来跟她说,她是他命中注定的意中人,是他等待已久的妻子。什么跟什么?余白亦翻白眼。明明人长的挺好看,怎么尽说些莫名其妙的话,脑子瓦特了?她才懒的搭理他。结果这人倒是不死心,各种缠着她、懒着她,不止到处乱说她是他的女朋友,还说要跟她滚床单,尽早生个小猴子。滚个鬼,生个屁呀!余白亦简直要气死。然而,现实总是反转反转又反转,余白亦也是被逼的无法了才会去找他。“你确定要娶我?”他答,“当然,我对你的心意从未变过。”她沉默一会儿,才道,“……好,我可以和你结婚,成为你的妻子,但是我要很多的聘礼,包括你的名誉,地位,金钱,这些你都愿意吗?”他笑,毫不犹豫,“愿意。”“只要我有,那就都是夫人的。”余白亦叹息,“……我这辈子算是栽在你手里了。”他笑容不减,满脸真诚,“……那我一定会好好接住夫人,让你躺好睡好,不再有任何后顾之忧。”“谢谢。”“夫人勿用客气。既然话已谈妥,不如我们先把正事办了。”“还有什么正事?”“我一直期待并渴望的事。”“……?”茫然脸。他压低了声音,在她耳边轻喃,“滚床单,生猴子,我研究了很多姿势,不如我们挨个儿来试试怎么样……”余白亦瞬间脸红。MD,这个大色狼!Devil and the Bluebird
Blue Riley has wrestled with her own demons ever since the loss of her mother to cancer. But when she encounters a beautiful devil at her town crossroads, it's her runaway sister's soul she fights to save. The devil steals Blue's voice—inherited from her musically gifted mother—in exchange for a single shot at finding Cass. Armed with her mother's guitar, a knapsack of cherished mementos, and a pair of magical boots, Blue journeys west in search of her sister. When the devil changes the terms of their deal, Blue must reevaluate her understanding of good and evil and open herself up to finding family in unexpected wkkk.net Devil and the Bluebird, Jennifer Mason-Black delivers a captivating depiction of loss and hope.