淡泊名利的画家于水村迁居南京,过着寄情山水的生活。因偶然的机会结识了歌女桃枝,两人陷入热恋,后因误会导致分手。桃枝赌气答应某老板的求婚,嫁与他作妻。在两人的结婚喜筵上,老板夫人大闹喜堂,多亏水村出面自认,化解了局面。不能忘情的桃枝追随病重的水村来到船上,恰逢渡船起火,桃枝与水村调换衣服,使水村被解救妇孺的小船载走,自己却被烧死在火中。得救后的水村沉浸在伤痛中不能自拔,偶然看到一出剧《满江红》,讲的正是一女与情郎易装救人的故事,终于因伤痛过度,在郁郁中死去。The Inconceivable Life of Quinn
Quinn Cutler is sixteen and the daughter of a high-profile Brooklyn politician. She's also pregnant, a crisis made infinitely more shocking by the fact that she has no memory of ever having sex. Before Quinn can solve this deeply troubling mystery, her story becomes public. Rumors spread, jeopardizing her reputation, her relationship with a boyfriend she adores, and her father's campaign for Congress. Religious fanatics gather at the Cutlers' home, believing Quinn is a virgin, pregnant with the next messiah. Quinn's desperate search for answers uncovers lies and family secrets—strange, possibly supernatural ones. Might she, in fact, be a virgin?