本书精心挑选了三百多篇优秀小学生作文,分为“成长新天地 ”、“人物你我他”等八个大的类别,每一类别前都有对症下药的“写作小提示”,每一类别下又细分为两到三个小的栏目,基本囊括了小学生作文的题材和体裁。每篇作文后面都附有编者精心撰写的点评,为小学生学习满分作文提供了切实的帮助与指引。Dreamtime
When Jane travels from America to the Australian Outback, she looks forward to adventure, romance, and a new start in life. What she finds is handsome, domineering Scott Farnham--a man whose presence fills her with illicit desire. Scott is aggressively pursuing the wealthy and arrogant Daphne Woolcott, but he makes no secret of his attraction to Jane.In a shocking twist, Scott proposes to Jane instead of Daphne. But as much as she wants him, Jane can't bring herself to trust Scott's intentions. Does he really love her back--or is he only trying to make haughty, beautiful Daphne jealous?