她清雅若芙蓉,却因一颗眉间红砂,沦落风尘青楼,她淡泊如止水,却逃脱不掉一个无稽预言,成为“神女”,卷入乱世权谋。人道红颜祸水,她即使躲避这祸水之咒,奈何倾世容颜终难掩,偏偏惹得众生妒。一切是造化弄人,还是有人居心叵测?多事之秋,他既然一心天下大业,为何偏与她一小女子过不去。世事沉浮,辗转几何,几番沉沦后,她只问他:“你既然唱了这出戏,为何不将戏唱到底?”他淡漠地答她:“我怎会料到这世上会有一人让我假戏真做,如今,我已然分不清哪一出是戏,哪一出是真,还如何唱下去?”可惜,戏再真,依然是一出戏,入戏太深,谁将万劫不复?她将头轻伏在他肩上,莞尔一笑:“不论它真真假假,妾身愿与你夫唱妇随。”A Topps League Story
It's Chad's first spring as a batboy, and the Pine City Porcupines are hot—until they come up against the league-leading Heron Lake Humdingers. Now Chad's got a whole lineup of problems: his favorite player, shortstop Mike Stammer, thinks he's jinxed; Dylan, the other batboy, doesn't even like baseball; there's a goofy new porcupine mascot on the field; plus, Chad has to fill in as batboy for the Herons. It's a good thing there's something in the cards—his baseball cards, that is—that can help Chad sort it all out.庶女重生:神医三小姐