外国名言说:“智慧之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体;有一盏指路明灯,就是智慧之灯。”古老的传说中,利用智慧,会让一块石头说话,现代生活中,拥有智慧,会让人生处处柳暗花明,获得成功。本书汇集了几百个令人不忍掩卷的智慧故事,以智慧点拨来进行引导,使广大读者在读过故事后有所顿悟,有所启发,进而用机智聪明应对生活中的问题,开创自己更加美好的未来。Ethiopia Boy
Chris Beckett grew up in 1960s Ethiopia, a country he describes as a 'barefoot empire, home of black-maned lions… old priests decked out like butterflies and blazing young singers of Ethio-jazz'. Ethiopia Boy plunges the reader into praise poems that sing and boast and glory in the colours and textures of this extraordinary country. Here is a world of feasting on spicy kikwot and of famine sucking the water from rivers, of lion buses and a prayer child, where Earth sings greetings to the feet that walk on her. Haunted by the memory of his friend Abebe, the cook's son, Beckett celebrates and laments a lost boyhood in poems of vivid immediacy.