中学时代是人生成长的关键,在这个阶段,尽早懂得人生道理,是中学生日后取得成功的前提,中学生必知的励志故事,给青少年最深刻的人生启示,它将改变青少年的人生观和世界观,并使青少年终生受益,在花季中成长,在雨季里成熟,懵懂青春总会亮出一些桀骜不驯的姿态。King Jesus
In Graves' unique retelling of his life, Jesus is very much a mortal, and the grandson of King Herod the Great. When his father runs afoul of the King's temper and is executed, Jesus is raised in the house of Joseph the Carpenter. The kingdom he is heir to, in this version of the story, is very much a terrestrial one: the Kingdom of Judea. Graves tells of Jesus' rise as a philosopher, scriptural scholar, and charismatic speaker in sharp detail, as well as his arrest and downfall as a victim of pitiless Roman politics.