“签了它!”他目光幽深语气清冷,一纸契约宣告他的占有。“敢碰我的女人,杀无赦!”他狠辣果决,一怒为红颜。“叶晚晴,你不过是仗着我宠你……滚!”他宠她上天,弃她入地狱。她浅浅一笑,华丽转身,“唐少,但愿不再见。”他步步紧逼,咬牙切齿,“女人,我说过,除非我厌弃,你终生都是我的……”Richard Sandoval's New Latin Flavors
In New Latin Flavors, award-winning chef Richard Sandoval offers more than 125 vibrantly seasoned Latin dishes, inspired by his popular restaurant fare but carefully streamlined for the home cook. Quesadillas, ceviches, arepas, and enchiladas are offered with Sandoval' s signature flair and bold flavors. The book also presents delectable cocktails featuring traditional Latin spirits that are beloved in the world of mixology —tequila, mescal, cachaca, rum, and pisco —and a variety of salsas, guacamoles, and other cocktail snacks. Whether the food is comfortingly familiar, like the Mahi-Mahi Tacos, or unex?pected, like the Beef Tiradito with Wasabi Dressing, these recipes offer an exciting new vision of contemporary Latin cooking.她们:二十世纪西方先锋女性传奇