“我们分手吧。”没有理由的一句话,顿时碎了他的心,在川流不息的马路边,在纠缠中,世界顿时一片红色。“从今天开始,忘记在人间的一切,在我身边。”上帝念她善良,她成了天使,可是她仍心念着在人间的他,于是,她和上帝做了个约定,以一年为期限,来界定他们能否在一起。她认识的他,从王子变成了恶魔,没有了过往的记忆,虽然他们之间有层层阻碍,但她仍相信,只要有心,他,她,还会在一起……Slight Ache
This volume contains a selection of early works by Harold Pinter. In the title play, everything in Flora's garden is lovely, and would be for Edward too, if it were not for the slight ache in his eyes and the mysterious matchseller at the gate. This edition also includes A Night Out, The Dwarfs and several revue sketches.