她是除了美貌便空无一物的草包仙子墨彤,他是天界才貌双全且修为破表的流逝上仙。她为他吃尽苦头,最终逆袭成材。他为她苦苦等待,最终抱她在怀。虽然他们相爱时错过了太久的时间,但彼此真挚之情弥补了缺失的遗憾。只可惜,三万年的陪伴,六千年的相守,五年的相爱,最终却还是败给了因果……(信我,不虐,he!且本人简介无能,所以这文案写的我一言难尽啊!还有初次写仙侠文,忽略了黄金三章的重要性,导致有点慢热,可后面绝对越来越精彩^O^给我个机会,我们一起交流想法吧,么哒?) 欢迎加入凤舞昭离书友群,群号码:692888062
她本即墨王朝的嫡公主,却因天生废柴,累母被贬,姓氏被褫,幽居冷宫备受欺凌。她是“幻影”组织唯一的白金级杀手,却在退出前夕惨遭背叛,中枪坠崖。当她成了她,又会在这个世界掀起怎样的波澜?炼丹炼器,修灵驭兽,一不小心被一枚吃货缠上,居然还招惹了一个妖孽未婚夫……那啥,其实人家才十三,还小啦……【情节虚构,请勿模仿】Kinetic Golf
In Kinetic Golf, Nick Bradley uses 115 extraordinary photographs, accompanied by clear, direct text, to raise the bar on golf instruction and give golfers—amateur or professional—a unique way of actually feeling their way to mastering the game. Offering insights that words alone cannot convey, the book provides a vastly improved golf game as the reward. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of trade and Tour secrets, Bradley shows how to build a powerful and consistent game while also debunking many of the myths that cloud the confidence and hinder the performance of the novice and developing golfer. Throughout Kinetic Golf, Bradley boils down the very essence of swing motion and technique, blends it with a feeling, and then creates an image that says it all. Take one look, and you'll get the picture.弃妃为妾:王爷知错了