每个人在儿时都有个自认为很伟大的梦想,但当我们渐渐长大再回头来看,发现似乎那些梦想也没有那么伟大了。但是你有没有始终坚持梦想,无论你的梦想是什么。也许对于不少人来说答案都是没有。这本书里的32个主人公,或平凡或天赋异禀,但当梦想同样遭遇阻碍时,却没有轻言放弃,而是坚持选择了勇敢前行。没有人生来就知道自己的路要怎么走,想要怎样的生活就要用心将它过成想要的样子。32个故事,32种对于梦想的人生选择。希望你从他们的故事中,找到自己的人生,活出自己想要的样子。Hunger and Thirst
Hunger and Thirst is Richard Matheson's first and until now previously unpublished novel, written fifty-plus years ago when Matheson was only twenty-three-years old. Matheson's agent told him it was unpublishable due to its length and so to that end, Matheson put the manuscript in a drawer and left for California where his writing career changed dramatically. The action in Hunger and Thirst centers around Erick, who lies paralyzed on his bed after being shot during a botched bank robbery. As he lies there, Erick contemplates the mess that his life has become and holds out hope to be saved.