一切都要从,差点被戴绿帽开始,未婚妻被人下药,辰枫被逐出家门,这一切不是以为别的,都是因为……他是个不能修炼的废物,他生于一个古老的修真家族,辰家在商场上呼风唤雨,建造了一个商业帝国。但是在家族内部,还是以修真为尊,他这样的废物,自然是不容的……且看弃少如何崛起,修炼无上境界,将所有敌人都轰成渣渣!Troy High
Homer's Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High. Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who used to be the captain of the Spartan cheerleaders—transfers to Troy High and falls madly in love with Cassie's brother Perry, the Spartans vow that the annual homecoming game will never be forgotten. Off the football field, an escalating prank war fuels tensions between the schools. The stakes are raised when Cassie is forced to choose between the boy she loves (a Spartan) and loyalty to her family and school. Troy High will seduce readers with its cast of mythic proportions.