女主人公姚乐和男主人公梁言从小是邻居,两人青梅竹马,长大后初尝爱情,却因年少任性而使彼此擦肩而过。故事真正的开始是两人分开五年后,为躲避梁言而选择在外旅游治愈情伤的姚乐因为要参加好姐妹的婚礼而回到两人一起长大的城市,而在机场邂逅了梁言后,梁言开始了对姚乐猛烈的追求。而伤痕累累的姚乐却一再选择避让,五年前分开后,两人各自精彩,可从前失败的感情让姚乐不敢再轻易付出自己的感情,这让她没有办法接受梁言。一个追,一个躲,两个人像猫和老鼠一样,玩了一场追逐游戏。当姚乐终于克服心理障碍,抛却一切,想要尝试着跟梁言安定下来的时候,两个人之间空白的五年却成了隔阂,最终两个人理智地选择了再一次分开。Who Goes There?
A distant, remote scientific expedition taking place at the North Pole is invaded by a space alien who has reawakened after lying dormant for centuries after a crash landing. A cunning, intelligent alien who can shape-shift, thereby assuming the personality and form of anything and anyone it destroys. Soon, it is among the men of the expedition, killing each in turn and replacing them by assuming their shape, lulling the scientists one by one into inattention (and trust) and eventually, their destruction. The shape-shifting, transformed alien can pass every effort at detection, and the expedition seems doomed until the scientists discover the secret vulnerability of the alien and are able to destroy it.