

He had never met Anna before, and was struck by her beauty, and, still more, by the naturalness with which she accepted her position. She blushed when Vronsky brought in Golenishchev, and he was extremely charmed by this childish blush overspreading her candid and handsome face. But what he liked particularly was the way in which at once, as though on purpose, so that there might be no misunderstanding with an outsider, she called Vronsky simply Alexei, and said they were moving into a house they had just taken - what was here called a palazzo. Golenishchev liked this direct and simple attitude to her own position. Looking at Anna's manner of simplehearted, spirited gaiety, and knowing Alexei Alexandrovich and Vronsky, Golenishchev fancied that he understood her perfectly. He fancied that he understood what she was utterly unable to understand: how it was that, having made her husband wretched, having abandoned him and her son and lost her good name, she yet felt full of spirits, gaiety, and happiness.

`It's in the guidebook,' said Golenishchev, referring to the palazzo Vronsky had taken. `There's a first-rate Tintoretto there. One of his latest period.'

`I tell you what: it's a lovely day, let's go and have another look at it,' said Vronsky, addressing Anna.

`I shall be very glad to; I'll go and put on my hat. Would you say it's hot?' she said, stopping short in the doorway and looking inquiringly at Vronsky. And again a vivid flush overspread her face.

Vronsky saw from her eyes that she did not know on what terms he cared to be with Golenishchev, and so was afraid of not behaving as he would wish.

He bestowed a long, tender look at her.

`No, not very,' he said.

And it seemed to her that she understood everything - most of all, that he was pleased with her; and, smiling to him, she walked with her rapid step out of the door.

The friends glanced at one another, and a look of hesitation came into both faces, as though Golenishchev, unmistakably admiring her, would have liked to say something about her, and could not find the right thing to say, while Vronsky desired and dreaded his doing so.

`Well then,' Vronsky began, to start a conversation of some sort, `so you're settled here? You're still at the same work, then?' he went on, recalling that he had been told Golenishchev was writing something.

`Yes, I'm writing the second part of the Two Elements ,'

said Golenishchev, coloring with pleasure at the question - `that is, to be exact, I am not writing it yet; I am preparing, collecting materials.

It will be of far wider scope, and will touch on almost all questions.

We in Russia refuse to see that we are the heirs of Byzantium,' and he launched into a long and heated explanation of his views.

Vronsky at the first moment felt embarrassed at not even knowing of the first part of the Two Elements , of which the author spoke as something well known. But as Golenishchev began to lay down his opinions and Vronsky was able to follow them even without knowing the Two Elements , he listened to him with some interest, for Golenishchev spoke well. But Vronsky was startled and annoyed by the nervous irascibility with which Golenishchev talked of the subject that engrossed him. As he went on talking, his eyes glittered more and more angrily; he was more and more hurried in his replies to imaginary opponents, and his face grew more and more excited and worried. Remembering Golenishchev, a thin, lively, good-natured and well-bred boy, always at the head of the class, Vronsky could not make out the reason for his irritability, and he did not like it. What he particularly disliked was that Golenishchev, a man belonging to a good set, should put himself on a level with some scribbling fellows with whom he was irritated and angry. Was it worth it? Vronsky disliked it, yet he felt that Golenishchev was unhappy, and was sorry for him. Unhappiness, almost mental derangement, was visible on his mobile, rather handsome face, as, without even noticing Anna's coming in, he went on hurriedly and hotly expressing his views.

When Anna came in in her hat and cape, her lovely hand rapidly swinging her parasol, and stood beside him, it was with a feeling of relief that Vronsky broke away from the plaintive eyes of Golenishchev which fastened persistently upon him, and with a fresh rush of love looked at his charming companion, full of life and happiness. Golenishchev recovered himself with an effort, and at first was dejected and gloomy, but Anna, disposed as she was at that time to feel friendly with everyone, soon revived his spirits by her direct and lively manner. After trying various subjects of conversation, she got him upon painting, of which he talked very well, and she listened to him attentively. They walked to the house they had taken and looked over it.

`I am very glad of one thing,' said Anna to Golenishchev when they were on their way back, `Alexei will have a capital atelier. You must certainly take that room,' she said to Vronsky in Russian, using the affectionately familiar form, as though she saw that Golenishchev would become intimate with them in their isolation, and that there was no need of reserve before him.

`Do you paint?' said Golenishchev turning round quickly to Vronsky.

`Yes, I used to study long ago, and now I have begun to do a little,'

said Vronsky, reddening.

`He has great talent,' said Anna with a delighted smile. `I'm no judge, of course. But good judges have said the same.'

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]

  • Andreas Hofer

    Andreas Hofer

  • 学佛考训


  • 金刚顶经瑜伽修习毗卢遮那三摩地法


  • 全后汉文


  • 飞空大钵法


  • 嫡宠狂妃


  • 银狐


  • 旧爱迷人:权总别来无恙


  • 没有七彩的灯


  • 中国政治史速读


  • 圈宠


  • 乱世美人:倾城大小姐


  • 校园故事


  • 时光许我乱琉年


  • 快穿女配,请低调


    苏一无厘头的死了,死前心心念念的是,还未码完的更新。排雷:本文特别苏,各种无厘头,女主并非成长型,女主金手指很大,无CP!经不起考究!矫情校草√腹黑总裁√傲娇师兄√冷情师尊√邪魅影帝√……看女配苏一如何在各个世界穿梭,过得风生水起!038:宿主,你怎么会瞬移?苏一:你猜!038:警告!宿主,勿要企图弄死男配和女主!否则抹杀!苏一:为什么不?Who怕Who?反正我死了,你也Gameover了!038:…… ps:建议跳过第一个位面!