


To the irreverent--and which of us will claim entire exemption from that comfortable classification?--there is something very amusing in the attitude of the orthodox criticism toward Bernard Shaw. He so obviously disregards all the canons and unities and other things which every well-bred dramatist is bound to respect that his work is really unworthy of serious criticism (orthodox). Indeed he knows no more about the dramatic art than, according to his own story in "The Man of Destiny,"Napoleon at Tavazzano knew of the Art of War. But both men were successes each in his way--the latter won victories and the former gained audiences, in the very teeth of the accepted theories of war and the theatre. Shaw does not know that it is unpardonable sin to have his characters make long speeches at one another, apparently thinking that this embargo applies only to long speeches which consist mainly of bombast and rhetoric. There never was an author who showed less predilection for a specific medium by which to accomplish his results.

He recognized, early in his days, many things awry in the world and he assumed the task of mundane reformation with a confident spirit. It seems such a small job at twenty to set the times aright. He began as an Essayist, but who reads essays now-a-days?--he then turned novelist with no better success, for no one would read such preposterous stuff as he chose to emit. He only succeeded in proving that absolutely rational men and women--although he has created few of the latter--can be most extremely disagreeable to our conventional way of thinking.

As a last resort, he turned to the stage, not that he cared for the dramatic art, for no man seems to care less about "Art for Art's sake,"being in this a perfect foil to his brilliant compatriot and contemporary, Wilde. He cast his theories in dramatic forms merely because no other course except silence or physical revolt was open to him. For a long time it seemed as if this resource too was doomed to fail him. But finally he has attained a hearing and now attempts at suppression merely serve to advertise their victim.

It will repay those who seek analogies in literature to compare Shaw with Cervantes. After a life of heroic endeavor, disappointment, slavery, and poverty, the author of "Don Quixote" gave the world a serious work which caused to be laughed off the world's stage forever the final vestiges of decadent chivalry.

The institution had long been outgrown, but its vernacular continued to be the speech and to express the thought "of the world and among the vulgar," as the quaint, old novelist puts it, just as to-day the novel intended for the consumption of the unenlightened must deal with peers and millionaires and be dressed in stilted language. Marvellously he succeeded, but in a way he least intended. We have not yet, after so many years, determined whether it is a work to laugh or cry over. "It is our joyfullest modern book," says Carlyle, while Landor thinks that "readers who see nothing more than a burlesque in 'Don Quixote' have but shallow appreciation of the work."Shaw in like manner comes upon the scene when many of our social usages are outworn. He sees the fact, announces it, and we burst into guffaws.

The continuous laughter which greets Shaw's plays arises from a real contrast in the point of view of the dramatist and his audiences. When Pinero or Jones describes a whimsical situation we never doubt for a moment that the author's point of view is our own and that the abnormal predicament of his characters appeals to him in the same light as to his audience. With Shaw this sense of community of feeling is wholly lacking. He describes things as he sees them, and the house is in a roar. Who is right? If we were really using our own senses and not gazing through the glasses of convention and romance and make-believe, should we see things as Shaw does?

  • 金箓十回度人午朝转经仪


  • 佛说众许摩诃帝经


  • 郴江百咏


  • Selected Writings

    Selected Writings

  • 胎产秘书


  • 夜莺与玫瑰


  • 神音少主世无双


  • 林海传奇


  • 三千空界


  • 问题的背后:中国“特殊”家庭青少年成长经历述实


  • 重生之至尊姊妹


  • 藏冰


  • 穿越之绝色神偷


  • 聪明女人人脉学


    美国有一句流行语说:“一个人能否成功,不在于你知道什么(what vou know),而在于你认识谁(whom vou know)。”聪明女性更是高声提醒所有的女性同胞:女人,人脉决定财脉、情脉,甚至是你的命脉!人脉是一个女人获取财富、抓住爱情、走向成功的门票。 本书结合当今女性人脉关系的特点和规律,通过大量的真实事例和简明的理论,介绍了女人如何建立人脉关系,如何利用人脉关系办事的方法和技巧,全书小中寓大,俗中见雅,给女性朋友提供了一整套实用、高效、便捷的人脉关系成功妙略。 女人要相信,只要拥有完善的人脉,天底下没有办不成的事!
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