Tracheotomy was performed but the dyspnea continued, showing that the foreign body was lodged below the incision. The blood of one of the cut vessels entered the trachea and caused an extra paroxysm of dyspnea, but the clots of blood were removed by curved forceps. Marcacci fils practised suction, and placed the child on its head, but in vain. A feather was then introduced in the wound with the hope that it would clean the trachea and provoke respiration; when the feather was withdrawn the bean followed. The child was much asphyxiated, however, and five or six minutes elapsed before the first deep inspiration. The wound was closed, the child recovered its voice, and was well four days afterward. Annandale saw a little patient who had swallowed a bead of glass, which had lodged in the bronchus. He introduced the handle of a scalpel into the trachea, producing sufficient irritation to provoke a brusque expiration, and at the second attempt the foreign body was expelled. Hulke records the case of a woman, the victim of a peculiar accident happening during the performance of tracheotomy, for an affection of the larynx. The internal canule of the tracheotomy-tube fell into the right bronchus, but was removed by an ingenious instrument extemporaneously devised from silver wire. A few years ago in this country there was much public excitement and newspaper discussion over the daily reports which came from the bedside of a gentleman who had swallowed a cork, and which had become lodged in a bronchus. Tracheotomy was performed and a special corkscrew devised to extract it, but unfortunately the patient died of slow asphyxiation and exhaustion. Herrick mentions the case of a boy of fourteen months who swallowed a shawl-pin two inches long, which remained in the lungs four years, during which time there was a constant dry and spasmodic cough, and corresponding depression and emaciation. When it was ultimately coughed up it appeared in one large piece and several smaller ones, and was so corroded as to be very brittle. After dislodgment of the pin there was subsidence of the cough and rapid recovery.
Lapeyre mentions an elderly gentleman who received a sudden slap on the back while smoking a cigarette, causing him to start and take a very deep inspiration. The cigarette was drawn into the right bronchus, where it remained for two months without causing symptoms or revealing its presence. It then set up a circumscribed pneumonia and cardiac dropsy which continued two months longer, at which time, during a violent fit of coughing, the cigarette was expelled enveloped in a waxy, mucus-like matter. Louis relates the case of a man who carried a louis-d'or in his lung for six and a half years.
There is a case on record of a man who received a gunshot wound, the ball entering behind the left clavicle and passing downward and across to the right clavicle. Sometime afterward this patient expectorated two pieces of bone and a piece of gum blanket in which he was enveloped at the time of the injury. Carpenter describes a case of fatal pleuritis, apparently due to the presence of four artificial teeth which had been swallowed thirteen years before.
Cardiac Injuries.--For ages it has been the common opinion relative to injuries of the heart that they are necessarily fatal and that, as a rule, death immediately follows their reception.
Notwithstanding this current belief a careful examination of the literature of medicine presents an astounding number of cases in which the heart has been positively wounded, and the patients have lived days, months, and even recovered; postmortem examination, by revealing the presence of cicatrices in the heart, confirming the original diagnosis. This question is one of great interest as, in recent years, there has been constant agitation of the possibility of surgical procedures in cardiac as well as cerebral injuries. Del Vecchio has reported a series of experiments on dogs with the conclusion that in case of wounds in human beings suture of the heart is a possible operation. In this connection he proposes the following operative procedure: Two longitudinal incisions to be made from the lower border of the 3d rib to the upper border of the 7th rib, one running along the inner margin of the sternum, the other about ten mm. inside the nipple-line. These incisions are joined by a horizontal cut made in the fourth intercostal space. The 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs and cartilages are divided and the outer cutaneous flaps turned up;pushing aside the pleura with the finger, expose the pericardium and incise it longitudinally; suture the heart-wound by interrupted sutures. Del Vecchio adds that Fischer has collected records of 376 cases of wounds of the heart with a mortality two to three minutes after the injury of 20 per cent. Death may occur from a few seconds to nine months after the accident. Keen and Da Costa quote Del Vecchio, and, in comment on his observations, remark that death in cases of wound of the heart is due to pressure of effused blood in the pericardial sac, and, because this pressure is itself a cheek to further hemorrhage, there seems, as far as hemorrhage is concerned, to be rather a question whether operative interference may not be itself more harmful than beneficial. It might be added that the shock to the cardiac action might be sufficient to check it, and at present we would have no sure means of starting pulsation if once stopped. In heart-injuries, paracentesis, followed, if necessary, by incision of the pericardium, is advised by some surgeons.
Realizing the fatality of injuries of the heart, in consequence of which almost any chance by operation should be quickly seized by surgeons rather than trust the lives of patients to the infinitesimal chance of recovery, it would seem that the profession should carefully consider and discuss the feasibility of any procedure in this direction, no matter how hypothetic.