

In cases of appendicitis foreign bodies have been found lodged in or about the vermiform appendix so often that it is quite a common lay idea that appendicitis is invariably the result of the lodgment of some foreign body accidentally swallowed. In recent years the literature of this subject proves that a great variety of foreign bodies may be present. A few of the interesting cases will be cited in the following lines:--In the New England Medical Journal, 1843, is an account of a vermiform appendix which was taken from the body of a man of eighty-eight who had died of pneumothorax. During life there were no symptoms of disease of the appendix, and after death no adhesions were found, but this organ was remarkably long, and in it were found 122 robin-shot. The old gentleman had been excessively fond of birds all his life, and was accustomed to bolt the meat of small birds without properly chewing it; to this fact was attributed the presence of these shot in the appendix. Asomewhat similar case was that of a man who died in the Hotel-Dieu in 1833. The ileum of this man contained 92 shot and 120 plum stones. Buckler reports a case of appendicitis in a child of twelve, in which a common-sized bird-shot was found in the appendix. Packard presented a case of appendicitis in which two pieces of rusty and crooked wire, one 2 1/2 and the other 11/2 inches long, were found in the omentum, having escaped from the appendix. Howedescribes a case in which a double oat, with a hard envelope, was found in the vermiform appendix of a boy of four years and one month of age. Prescott reports a case of what he calls fatal colic from the lodgment of a chocolate-nut in the appendix; and Noyes relates an instance of death in a man of thirty-one attributed to the presence of a raisin-seed in the vermiform appendix. Needles, pins, peanuts, fruit-stones, peas, grape-seeds, and many similar objects have been found in both normal and suppurative vermiform appendices.

Intestinal Injuries.--The degree of injury that the intestinal tract may sustain, and after recovery perform its functions as usual, is most extraordinary; and even when the injury is of such an extent as to be mortal, the persistence of life is remarkable.

It is a well known fact that in bull-fights, after mortal injuries of the abdomen and bowels, horses are seen to struggle on almost until the sport is finished. Fontaine reports a case of a Welsh quarryman who was run over by a heavy four-horse vehicle.

The stump of a glass bottle was crushed into the intestinal cavity, and the bowels protruded and were bruised by the wheels of the wagon. The grit was so firmly ground into the bowel that it was impossible to remove it; yet the man made a complete recovery. Nicolls has the case of a man of sixty-nine, a workhouse maniac, who on August 20th attempted suicide by running a red-hot poker into his abdomen. His wound was dressed and he was recovering, but on September 11th he tore the cast off his abdomen, and pulled out of the wound the omentum and 32 inches of colon, which he tore off and threw between his pallet and the wall. Strange to say he did not die until eight days after this horrible injuryTardieu relates the case of a chemist who removed a large part of the mesentery with a knife, and yet recovered. Delmas of Montpellier reports the history of a wagoner with complete rupture of the intestines and rupture of the diaphragm, and who yet finished his journey, not dying until eighteen hours after.

Successful Intestinal Resection.--In 1755 Nedham of Norfolk reported the case of a boy of thirteen who was run over and eviscerated. It was found necessary to remove 57 inches of the protruding bowel, but the boy made a subsequent recovery.

Koebererle of Strasburg performed an operation on a woman of twenty-two for the relief of intestinal obstruction. On account of numerous strictures it was found necessary to remove over two yards of the small intestine; the patient recovered without pain or trouble of any kind. In his dissertation on "Ruptures" Arnaud remarks that he cut away more than seven feet of gangrenous bowel, his patient surviving. Beehe reports recovery after the removal of 48 inches of intestine. The case was one of strangulation of an umbilical hernia.

Sloughing of the Intestine Following Intussusception.--Lobstein mentions a peasant woman of about thirty who was suddenly seized with an attack of intussusception of the bowel, and was apparently in a moribund condition when she had a copious stool, in which she evacuated three feet of bowel with the mesentery attached. The woman recovered, but died five months later from a second attack of intussusception, the ileum rupturing and peritonitis ensuing. There is a record in this country of a woman of forty-five who discharged 44 inches of intestine, and who survived for forty-two days. The autopsy showed the sigmoid flexure gone, and from the caput ceci to the termination the colon only measured 14 inches. Vater gives a history of a penetrating abdominal wound in which a portion of the colon hung from the wound during fourteen years, forming an artificial anus.

Among others mentioning considerable sloughing of intestine following intussusception, and usually with complete subsequent recovery, are Bare, 13 inches of the ileum; Blackton, nine inches; Bower, 14 inches; Dawson, 29 inches; Sheldon, 4 1/2 feet;Stanley, three feet; Tremaine, 17 inches; and Grossoli, 40 cm.

Rupture of the Intestines.--It is quite possible for the intestine to be ruptured by external violence, and cases of rupture of all parts of the bowel have been recorded. Titorier gives the history of a case in which the colon was completely separated from the rectum by external violence. Hinder reports the rupture of the duodenum by a violent kick. Eccles, Ely, and Pollock also mention cases of rupture of the duodenum. Zimmerman, Atwell, and Allan report cases of rupture of the colon.

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