

"I'm rather glad of that, because I can imagine what she looked like, without being hampered by facts. I think she was very slight and small, with softly curling dark hair and big, sweet, timid brown eyes, and a little wistful, pale face."The girls left their baskets in Hester's garden and spent the rest of the afternoon rambling in the woods and fields surrounding it, discovering many pretty nooks and lanes. When they got hungry they had lunch in the prettiest spot of all. . .on the steep bank of a gurgling brook where white birches shot up out of long feathery grasses. The girls sat down by the roots and did full justice to Anne's dainties, even the unpoetical sandwiches being greatly appreciated by hearty, unspoiled appetites sharpened by all the fresh air and exercise they had enjoyed. Anne had brought glasses and lemonade for her guests, but for her own part drank cold brook water from a cup fashioned out of birch bark. The cup leaked, and the water tasted of earth, as brook water is apt to do in spring;but Anne thought it more appropriate to the occasion than lemonade.

"Look do you see that poem?" she said suddenly, pointing.

"Where?" Jane and Diana stared, as if expecting to see Runic rhymes on the birch trees.

"There. . .down in the brook. . .that old green, mossy log with the water flowing over it in those smooth ripples that look as if they'd been combed, and that single shaft of sunshine falling right athwart it, far down into the pool. Oh, it's the most beautiful poem I ever saw.""I should rather call it a picture," said Jane. "A poem is lines and verses.""Oh dear me, no." Anne shook her head with its fluffy wild cherry coronal positively. "The lines and verses are only the outward garments of the poem and are no more really it than your ruffles and flounces are YOU, Jane. The real poem is the soul within them . . .and that beautiful bit is the soul of an unwritten poem.

It is not every day one sees a soul. . .even of a poem.""I wonder what a soul. . .a person's soul. . .would look like,"said Priscilla dreamily.

"Like that, I should think," answered Anne, pointing to a radiance of sifted sunlight streaming through a birch tree. "Only with shape and features of course. I like to fancy souls as being made of light.

And some are all shot through with rosy stains and quivers. . .and some have a soft glitter like moonlight on the sea. . .and some are pale and transparent like mist at dawn.""I read somewhere once that souls were like flowers," said Priscilla.

"Then your soul is a golden narcissus," said Anne, "and Diana's is like a red, red rose. Jane's is an apple blossom, pink and wholesome and sweet.""And your own is a white violet, with purple streaks in its heart,"finished Priscilla.

Jane whispered to Diana that she really could not understand what they were talking about. Could she?

The girls went home by the light of a calm golden sunset, their baskets filled with narcissus blossoms from Hester's garden, some of which Anne carried to the cemetery next day and laid upon Hester's grave. Minstrel robins were whistling in the firs and the frogs were singing in the marshes. All the basins among the hills were brimmed with topaz and emerald light.

"Well, we have had a lovely time after all," said Diana, as if she had hardly expected to have it when she set out.

"It has been a truly golden day," said Priscilla.

"I'm really awfully fond of the woods myself," said Jane.

Anne said nothing. She was looking afar into the western sky and thinking of little Hester Gray.

  • 农战


  • 词学集成


  • 女儿经


  • The Notch on the Ax and On Being Found Out

    The Notch on the Ax and On Being Found Out

  • 宣和书谱


  • 歙砚说辨歙石说


  • The Brotherhood of Consolation

    The Brotherhood of Consolation

  • 一骗三生


  • Slight Ache

    Slight Ache

    This volume contains a selection of early works by Harold Pinter. In the title play, everything in Flora's garden is lovely, and would be for Edward too, if it were not for the slight ache in his eyes and the mysterious matchseller at the gate. This edition also includes A Night Out, The Dwarfs and several revue sketches.
  • 逗传


  • Tamburlaine the Great

    Tamburlaine the Great

  • 灵生警探


  • 指尖下的四分音符


    一部半写实的大学校园爱情故事,记载了属于80后的集体情感经历。书中每个章节以当时的流行歌曲命名,所有的细节都让我们怀念! 全书以一段唯美曲折的校园爱情故事为主线,串联起大学四年的学习与生活场景。比较认真、客观又不失优美、轻松地记录了80后大学生的典型事件,如:入学、军训、非典、考试、爱情、宿舍、社团、歌曲、实习、找工作、毕业等等。 作者坚持以纯文学的态度,以求客观记录那些属于我们真实的大学情感与生活历程,只为了给想怀旧时的我们、风烛残年后的我们一个可以回忆的依据、一扇能找寻过去时光的小窗。
  • 世纪末的黑洞


  • 妖骨仙缘

