A小姐说:“你知道吗?我和你在一起之后,每天都很快乐。”B先生说:“谢谢,你告诉了我我最想要的答案。”和一个人在一起,如果他给你的能量是让你每天都能高兴地起床,每夜都能安心地入睡,做每一件事都充满了动力,对未来满怀期待,那你就没有爱错人。最隽永的感情,永远都不是以爱的名义互相折磨,而是彼此陪伴,成为对方的阳光。和你在一起,我很高兴。”这就是最动听的情话了,没有之一。你可以在这本书里找到你的朋友影子,也能找到你自己。从过去说到现在,让我们一起去寻找未来。不管是文章中让你嚎啕大哭的小A,还是让你哈哈大知的小B,每个人都有自己的答案,每个人让你明白存在的意义。Man Without Honor
When Kathryn Dalton discovers an ancient ring, she believes it may be worth some money--or at least some sentimental value. And when gorgeous Leon Coletis begins to court her, she has no idea it's connected to her lucky find.But Leon is keeping a secret. His family are the rightful owners of the ring, which is part of a set that's centuries old. His sister is ailing and believes her misfortunes stem from the loss of the ring. Leon will stop at nothing to get the ring back to make his sister well--including propose to Kathryn.河沙场(中国好小说)