Making It Happen
In all aspects of her life, author and motivational speaker Leigh Anne Tuohy advocates living a better life by cultivating a more generous spirit. By volunteering in your community, valuing other people, and reaching out to those in need, Tuohy believes that anyone can lead a happier and more fulfilled life—and this book is your guide to achieving it.In Making it Happen: Just Turn Around, Tuohy details concrete action steps you can take to becoming more involved and giving—in both your community and in your one-on-one interactions with others. Woven within are stories and lessons designed to help you change your mindset—to bring a happier and more generous life within your reach.发明简史:听房龙讲发明的故事
人类从兽皮到摩天大楼,从步行到飞行,这些奇迹是如何诞生的?房龙以其广博的知识、独特的视角为我们讲述了人类发明的进步历程,每一项小的发明都蕴含着人类无穷的智慧。本书用浅显易懂的语言对其进行科学而形象的阐述。作者突破小我,站在全人类的高度上,对人类的过去进行审视,展现出人类文明发展的光辉进程。不焦虑 学冥想:学会情绪平衡的方法