You, Me & The US Economy
This groundbreaking title is an insider's account of the 2008 financial crisis written specifically for Main Street.Stacy Carlson, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's speechwriter, takes you inside the Treasury Department and explains the events and issues in a wry, personal narrative. You want to understand what brought us to the brink of collapse? After reading You, Me & the U.S. Economy, you will.With clarity and humor, Stacy explains the multiple causes of our financial, housing and economic troubles and the multiple attempts to solve them. She isn't a financial wizard and writes so other non-wizards can understand, too. Wrapped within is her story of faith and persistence in a new, mid-life career and as a silent witness to tremendous turmoil, You, Me & the U.S. Economy tells Main Street what really happened and why. Finally.实话实说:与大学生谈求职技巧
以校园搞笑风格为主题的爱情短篇集。故事纯爱、温暖、搞笑之余更让人动情。 “看她的小说如同与文字谈一场恋爱,从心动到爱上小说中的主角,这个过程让人如此期待又如此向往。皇上追妾:贵妃回家吧