作为一个又胖又丑还是暴发户的女儿,她受尽嘲笑讥讽,备受欺凌。而他作为最神秘的顾家三少,却是风流潇洒,受尽追捧。本该毫无交集的两人,却偏偏迫于无奈而被牵连在一起,从此唇枪舌战成了日常。“喂,你觉得我这两天身材怎么样?”某人勾唇一笑:“猪。”【推荐自己的新书:《首相大人,求放过!》】The Dawn is Golden
Forced to accept the blame for a robbery, Melanie Grayshott's choices are limited--and she's desperate to hide from the police. When handsome and wealthy Vidas Loudaros offers her a chance to escape, she jumps at it.But Vidas' help comes at a price. He's willing to hide her on his opulent, private Greek island--but she must become his mistress. Vidas' dark, arrogant good looks are more than tempting--and his caresses set her blood on fire. But can Melanie truly surrender to a man who demands she trade her innocence for his protection?穿梭时空学院2:星空浩瀚的强敌