
第52章 RED DOG(3)

"Stay with these," said Mowgli to the Four. We shall need every tooth. Phao and Akela must make ready the battle. I go to count the dogs.""It is death!" Won-tolla cried, half rising. What can such a hairless one do against the Red Dog? Even the Striped One, remember----""Thou art indeed an Outlier," Mowgli called back; "but we will speak when the dholes are dead. Good hunting all!"He hurried off into the darkness, wild with excitement, hardly looking where he set foot, and the natural consequence was that he tripped full length over Kaa's great coils where the python lay watching a deer-path near the river.

"Kssha!" said Kaa angrily. "Is this jungle-work, to stamp and tramp and undo a night's hunting--when the game are moving so well, too?""The fault was mine," said Mowgli, picking himself up. "Indeed I was seeking thee, Flathead, but each time we meet thou art longer and broader by the length of my arm. There is none like thee in the Jungle, wise, old, strong, and most beautiful Kaa.""Now whither does THIS trail lead?" Kaa's voice was gentler.

"Not a moon since there was a Manling with a knife threw stones at my head and called me bad little tree-cat names, because Ilay asleep in the open."

"Ay, and turned every driven deer to all the winds, and Mowgli was hunting, and this same Flathead was too deaf to hear his whistle, and leave the deer-roads free," Mowgli answered composedly, sitting down among the painted coils.

"Now this same Manling comes with soft, tickling words to this same Flathead, telling him that he is wise and strong and beautiful, and this same old Flathead believes and makes a place, thus, for this same stone-throwing Manling, and--Art thou at ease now? Could Bagheera give thee so good a resting-place?"Kaa had, as usual, made a sort of soft half-hammock of himself under Mowgli's weight. The boy reached out in the darkness, and gathered in the supple cable-like neck till Kaa's head rested on his shoulder, and then he told him all that had happened in the Jungle that night.

"Wise I may be," said Kaa at the end; "but deaf I surely am.

Else I should have heard the pheeal. Small wonder the Eaters of Grass are uneasy. How many be the dhole?""I have not yet seen. I came hot-foot to thee. Thou art older than Hathi. But oh, Kaa,"--here Mowgli wriggled with sheerjoy,--"it will be good hunting. Few of us will see another moon.""Dost THOU strike in this? Remember thou art a Man; and remember what Pack cast thee out. Let the Wolf look to the Dog. THOU art a Man.""Last year's nuts are this year's black earth," said Mowgli.

"It is true that I am a Man, but it is in my stomach that this night I have said that I am a Wolf. I called the River and the Trees to remember. I am of the Free People, Kaa, till the dhole has gone by.""Free People," Kaa grunted. "Free thieves! And thou hast tied thyself into the death-knot for the sake of the memory of the dead wolves? This is no good hunting.""It is my Word which I have spoken. The Trees know, the River knows. Till the dhole have gone by my Word comes not back to me.""Ngssh! This changes all trails. I had thought to take thee away with me to the northern marshes, but the Word--even the Word of a little, naked, hairless Manling--is the Word.

Now I, Kaa, say----"

"Think well, Flathead, lest thou tie thyself into the death-knot also. I need no Word from thee, for well I know----""Be it so, then," said Kaa. "I will give no Word; but what is in thy stomach to do when the dhole come?""They must swim the Waingunga. I thought to meet them with my knife in the shallows, the Pack behind me; and so stabbing and thrusting, we a little might turn them down-stream, or cool their throats.""The dhole do not turn and their throats are hot," said Kaa.

"There will be neither Manling nor Wolf-cub when that hunting is done, but only dry bones.""Alala! If we die, we die. It will be most good hunting. But my stomach is young, and I have not seen many Rains. I am not wise nor strong. Hast thou a better plan, Kaa?""I have seen a hundred and a hundred Rains. Ere Hathi cast his milk-tushes my trail was big in the dust. By the First Egg, I am older than many trees, and I have seen all that the Jungle has done.""But THIS is new hunting," said Mowgli. "Never before have the dhole crossed our trail.""What is has been. What will be is no more than a forgotten year striking backward. Be still while I count those my years."For a long hour Mowgli lay back among the coils, while Kaa, his head motionless on the ground, thought of all that he had seen and known since the day he came from the egg. The light seemed to go out of his eyes and leave them like stale opals, and now and again he made little stiff passes with his head, right and left, as though he were hunting in his sleep.

Mowgli dozed quietly, for he knew that there is nothing like sleep before hunting, and he was trained to take it at any hour of the day or night.

Then he felt Kaa's back grow bigger and broader below him as the huge python puffed himself out, hissing with the noise of a sword drawn from a steel scabbard.

"I have seen all the dead seasons," Kaa said at last, "and the great trees and the old elephants, and the rocks that were bare and sharp-pointed ere the moss grew. Art THOU still alive, Manling?""It is only a little after moonset," said Mowgli. I do not understand----""Hssh! I am again Kaa. I knew it was but a little time. Now we will go to the river, and I will show thee what is to be done against the dhole."He turned, straight as an arrow, for the main stream of the Waingunga, plunging in a little above the pool that hid the Peace Rock, Mowgli at his side.

"Nay, do not swim. I go swiftly. My back, Little Brother."Mowgli tucked his left arm round Kaa's neck, dropped his right close to his body, and straightened his feet. Then Kaa breasted the current as he alone could, and the ripple of the checked water stood up in a frill round Mowgli's neck, and his feet were waved to and fro in the eddy under the python's lashing sides.

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