“94,95......”温雪在心里数着。“98,99,yes!”温雪跨了几个大步子,蹦到司清煜旁边。“男神,我刚刚在踩你的影子哦。九十九下,九十九次踩进你的心里。所以,你逃不掉了。”司清煜微微勾起嘴角,“小东西,你才逃不掉了。”A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich
In 1943 a young official from the German foreign ministry contacted Allen Dulles, an OSS officer in Switzerland who would later head the Central Intelligence Agency. That man was Fritz Kolbe, who had decided to betray his country after years of opposing Nazism. While Dulles was skeptical, Kolbe's information was such that he eventually admitted, "No single diplomat abroad, of whatever rank, could have got his hands on so much information as did this man; he was one of my most valuable agents during World War II." Using recently declassified materials at the U.S. National Archives and Kolbe's personal papers, Lucas Delattre has produced a work of remarkable scholarship that moves with the swift pace of a Le Carra thriller.