(无敌于次元都市)多年后,陈雨辰在平行时空地球中醒来,神话中的人物也开始一一的出世...........。陈雨辰来到了一个混合版的玄幻武侠科技神话的世界,这里有次元版都市:有着写轮眼的忍者,吃了恶魔果实的恶魔人,吸血鬼,赛亚人,天使.....。...........。. 已完结(地球版神话)、更新中(带着武林秘籍到武侠世界)..... 在洪荒世界中有一个身高无比强壮和魁梧,块块肌肉犹如金刚铸,头发披肩长度颈部披到身前,身上覆盖有金色体毛,至于眼珠是金色兼有紫色眼眶。 两只双眼中里面有着两道白金色的火焰闪烁,屁股后一根猿猴尾巴摆动! 这男子相貌虽不算英俊,但却给人一种很容易亲近的感觉,嘴角处始终带着一丝淡淡的微笑,这是一个普通的青年被流星压死,然后穿越到混沌,最后夺舍重生成下位混沌魔神黄金巨猿的故事。
宋明磊联合轩辕淑仪公主施计气死德宗,逼反了新太子,谋杀丽太妃,想挟太子世子轩辕楽登机,轩辕淑仪垂帘听政,他在背后号令天下,原非白早已识破他的计划,称机拥立原青江黄袍加身。原氏终于实现了十世的梦想,站到了天下至高处。木槿为解大理的疫症,同恢复记忆的兰生进入暗宫取金婵花,无意见得知了原氏与司马氏双生子诞,龙主九天的秘密……--情节虚构,请勿模仿Watching (The Making of Riley Paige—Book 1)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)WATCHING (The Making of Riley Paige—Book One) is book #1 in a new psychological thriller series by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose free bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) has received over 1,000 five star reviews.