以前,她缠着他哄着他依着他喜欢他,他却爱搭不理。现在,他弥补她倒追她使出各种招数:“你是我的苹果手机。”她怒:“别人都是优乐美,益达,飘柔,怎么到你这儿就是手机?”他搂住她的腰:“因为爱疯啦!可是却迷路了。”她问:“去哪儿?”他指着她的心:“去你心里!”高冷傲娇竹马倒追迷糊呆萌青梅,把你捧在手里,含在嘴里,记在心里,看在眼里……Before He Covets (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 600 five star reviews), comes book #3 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE COVETS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White graduates the FBI Academy in Quantico only to find herself thrown into an urgent serial killer case. Women are turning up dead while camping in a remote national park in West Virginia. Yet the park is vast, and no connection can be found between them.At the same time, Mackenzie receives a call from Nebraska urging her to come home. After many years, a new clue has surfaced about her father's murder. The case no longer cold, Mackenzie desperately needs to help solve it.萌妻归来:豪门隐婚新娘