

In the morning I heard that the self-styled Ivanoff had made his escape an hour before the police were to arrest him at the suit of the banker, who had found out that one of the bills he had presented was forged. He had escaped on foot, leaving all his baggage behind him.

Next day the marquis came to tell Rosalie that his godson had no objection to make to her plan. He added that the young man hoped she would become his wife, whether the child proved to be his or not.

"He may hope as much as he likes," said Rosalie, with a smile.

"He also hopes that you will allow him to call on you now and then. I have spoken to my kinswoman, the mother-superior of convent. You are to have two rooms, and a very good sort of woman is to keep you company, wait on you, and nurse you when the time comes. I have paid the amount you are to pay every month for your board. Every morning I will send you a confidential man, who will see your companion and will bring me your orders. And I myself will come and see you at the grating as often as you please."

It was then my sad duty, which the laws of politeness enjoined, to thank the marquis for his trouble.

"'Tis to you, my lord," said I, "I entrust Rosalie. I am placing her, I am sure, in good hands. I will go on my way as soon as she is in the convent; I hope you will write a letter to the mother-

superior for her to take."

"I will write it directly," said he.

And as Rosalie had told him before that she would pay for everything herself, he gave her a written copy of the agreement he had made.

"I have resolved," said Rosalie to the marquis, "to go into the convent to-morrow, and I shall be very glad to have a short visit from you the day after."

"I will be there," said the marquis, "and you may be sure that I

will do all in my power to make your stay agreeable."

The night was a sad one for both of us. Love scarcely made a pause amidst our alternate complaints and consolations. We swore to be faithful for ever, and our oaths were sincere, as ardent lovers' oaths always are. But they are as nought unless they are sealed by destiny, and that no mortal mind may know.

Rosalie, whose eyes were red and wet with tears, spent most of the morning in packing up with Veronique, who cried too. I could not look at her, as I felt angry with myself for thinking how pretty she was. Rosalie would only take two hundred sequins, telling me that if she wanted more she could easily let me know.

She told Veronique to look after me well for the two or three days I should spend at Genoa, made me a mute curtsy, and went out with Costa to get a sedan-chair. Two hours after, a servant of the marquis's came to fetch her belongings, and I was thus left alone and full of grief till the marquis came and asked me to give him supper, advising that Veronique should be asked in to keep us company.

"That's a rare girl," said he, "you really don't know her, and you ought to know her better."

Although I was rather surprised, I did not stop to consider what the motives of the crafty Genoese might be, and I went and asked Veronique to come in. She replied politely that she would do so, adding that she knew how great an honour I did her.

I should have been the blindest of men if I had not seen that the clever marquis had succeeded in his well-laid plans, and that he had duped me as if I had been the merest freshman. Although I

hoped with all my heart that I should get Rosalie back again, I

had good reasons for suspecting that all the marquis's wit would be employed to seduce her, and I could not help thinking that he would succeed.

Nevertheless, in the position I was in, I could only keep my fears to myself and let him do his utmost.

  • 比目鱼


  • 广沪上竹枝词


  • 丛林校定清规总要


  • 金刚三昧本性清净不坏不灭经


  • 太清元道真经


  • 被偷走的灵魂


  • 卑鄙的圣人:曹操1


  • 小编剧套路大明星


  • 猎爱100℃殿下


    病娇千金大小姐洛星星,在哥哥的生日宴会上碰到一只绝世“妖孽”!经调查,她得知此人竟然是那个整蛊业界王牌Surprise事务所的掌权人!对方谢罪的方法竟然是邀请她加入那个奇怪的事务所,还说跑两步就喘不过气的她有潜力成为事务所王牌执行人?你确定这不是搞笑?不过,难得有人慧眼识英才,洛星星就勉为其难地试试吧!谁知一试就停不下来了,她跟随着奇葩妖孽少年盛昊伦,打开了新世界的大门!花艺世家的优雅千金竟然有“隐藏属性”?隔壁学院的校草竟然为 “情”所困?更倒霉的是,超级“妹控”的哥哥撞见执行任务的她,立马一秒冰山变火山!当冷酷哥哥对上绝世妖孽,事情到底会怎样发展?绝世的妖孽王子,100℃燃烧的旷世爱恋!
  • 放开那个娘子


  • 股指期货新手宝典100问


    股指期货是一种高风险、高回报的投资工具。作为一个全新的品种,股指期货在我国尚无实践经验,而在实际操作中,与股票、基金、商品期货等也有较大区别。普通投资者对股指期货有多少了解呢?怎样通过股指期货这样的新生事物投资获利呢?为了帮助广大投资者尽快掌握股指期货基本知识与交易规则,本书精心编排了投资者关心和最迫切希望了解的100 个问题,内容上循序渐进、深入浅出,希望能够给读者带来最大的便利和收获。本书展示了股指期货的基础知识、交易规则、交易流程、风险规避等知识点,堪称最新、最全面、最翔实的股指期货入门必备读物。
  • 毅斋诗文集


  • 有你的年少时光


  • 黑狱霸主


  • 捕虎行动

