

called brother of Therese was my living image, though his complexion was rather clearer than mine. I saw at once that he was my son; nature had never been so indiscreet as in the amazing likeness between us. This, then, was the surprise of which Therese had spoken; she had devised the pleasure of seeing me at once astounded and delighted, for she knew that my heart would be touched at the thought of having left her such a pledge of our mutual love. I had not the slightest foreknowledge in the matter, for Therese had never alluded to her being with child in her letters. I thought, however, that she should not have brought about this meeting in the presence of a third party, for everyone has eyes in their head, and anyone with eyes must have seen that the young man was either my son or my brother. I glanced at her, but she avoided meeting my eye, while the pretended brother was looking at me so attentively that he did not hear what was said to him. As to the others, they did nothing but look first at me and then at him, and if they came to the conclusion that he was my son they would be obliged to suppose that I had been the lover of Therese's mother, if she were really his sister, for taking into consideration the age she looked and gave herself out to be she could not possibly be his mother. It was equally impossible that I could be Therese's father, as I did not look any older than she did.

My son spoke the Neapolitan dialect perfectly, but he also spoke Italian very well, and in whatever he said I was glad to recognize taste, good sense, and intelligence. He was well-informed, though he had been brought up at Naples, and his manners were very distinguished. His mother made him sit between us at table.

"His favourite amusement," she said to me, "is music. You must hear him on the clavier, and though I am eight years older I shall not be surprised if you pronounce him the better performer."

Only a woman's delicate instinct could have suggested this remark;

men hardly ever approach women in this respect.

Whether from natural impulses or self-esteem, I rose from the table so delighted with my son that I embraced him with the utmost tenderness, and was applauded by the company. I asked everybody to dine with me the next day, and my invitation was joyfully accepted; but the Corticelli said, with the utmost simplicity, "May I come, too?"

"Certainty; you too."

After dinner the Abbe Gama asked me to breakfast with him, or to have him to breakfast the next morning, as be was longing for a good talk with me.

"Come and breakfast with me," said I, "I shall be delighted to see you."

When the guests had gone Don Cesarino, as the pretended brother of Therese was called, asked me if I would walk with him. I kissed him, and replied that my carriage was at his service, and that he and his brother-in-law could drive in it, but that I had resolved not to leave his sister that day. Palesi seemed quite satisfied with the arrangement, and they both went away.

When we were alone, I gave Therese an ardent embrace, and congratulated her on having such a brother.

"My dear, he is the fruit of our amours; he is your son. He makes me happy, and is happy himself, and indeed he has everything to make him so."

"And I, too, am happy, dear Therese. You must have seen that I

recognized him at once."

"But do you want to give him a brother? How ardent you are!"

"Remember, beloved one, that to-morrow we are to be friends, and nothing more."

By this my efforts were crowned with success, but the thought that it was the last time was a bitter drop in the cup of happiness.

When we had regained our composure, Therese said,--

  • 黄檗山寺志


  • 眉寿堂方案选存


  • 释门自镜录


  • 律学发轫


  • 六十种曲香囊记


  • 佳妻来袭:刺青师的腹黑老公


  • 墨尔本回忆录


  • 妃你不可:至尊殿下深深宠


  • 谜中迷:天诛


  • 送徐使君赴岳州


  • 朕的皇后太爱钱


  • 人文百科知识博览


  • 观心食法


  • 感悟父爱母爱(上)


  • 要么芬芳,要么枯萎


    本书是作者的中篇处女作,约五万字。 这是一个乡村凄婉的爱情故事,情节曲折,妙趣横生。以历史上“白莲教”为背景,讲述了一位自尊心极其强烈的晓辉在追求盲女之间产生的恩恩怨怨的故事。生于农村的主人公晓辉,在意外认识盲女之后,突然意识到她是孩提时代在一次放鞭炮中导致意外失明的女孩,而晓辉记得那段经历,出于一种内疚和爱恋,让晓辉放不下这个女孩。当盲女生病住在小镇上的医院里时,照看她的这位已婚的大夫也爱上了盲女,大夫的潜意识里是否还有哪些不为人知的秘密呢?这时大夫的妻子玲玲会做出何种抉择呢?他们之间会产生何种矛盾纠结呢?什么才是人真正要追求的目标?