

It was not till the latter part of the afternoon that the casket arrived. Rodney was occupied with a recitation, and it was only in the evening that he got an opportunity to open it. There was a pearl necklace, very handsome, a pair of bracelets, two gold chains, some minor articles of jewelry and a gold ring.

A locket attracted Rodney's notice, and he opened it.

It contained the pictures of his father and mother.

His father he could barely remember, his mother died before he was old enough to have her image impressed upon his memory.

He examined the locket and his heart was saddened. He felt how different his life would have been had his parents lived.

He had never before realized the sorrow of being alone in the world. Misfortune had come upon him, and so far as he knew he had not a friend. Even Dr. Sampson, who had been paid so much money on his account, and who had always professed so great friendship for him, had turned cold.

As he was standing with the locket in his hand there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" he called out.

The door opened and a stout, coarse looking boy, dressed in an expensive manner, entered.

"Good evening, John," said Rodney, but not cordially.

Next to himself, John Bundy, who was the son of a wealthy saloon keeper in the city of New York, had been a favorite with Dr. Sampson.

If there was anything Dr. Sampson bowed down to and respected it was wealth, and Mr. Bundy, senior, was reputed to be worth a considerable fortune.

In Rodney's mood John Bundy was about the last person whom he wanted to see.

"Ha!" said John, espying the open casket, "where did you get all that jewelry?""It contains my mother's jewels," said Rodney gravely.

"You never showed it to me before."

"I never had it before. It came to me by express this afternoon.""It must be worth a good pile of money," said John, his eyes gleaming with cupidity.

"I suppose it is."

"Have you any idea what it is worth?"

"I have no thought about it."

"What are you going to do with it? It won't be of use to you, especially the diamond earrings," he added, with a coarse laugh.

"No," answered Rodney shortly.

"My eyes, wouldn't my mother like to own all this jewelry.

She's fond of ornament, but pa won't buy them for her."Rodney did not answer.

"I say, Ropes, I mustn't forget my errand. Will you do me a favor?""What is it?""Lend me five dollars till the first of next month.

My allowance comes due then. Now I haven't but a quarter left.""What makes you apply to me, Bundy?""Because you always have money. I don't suppose you are worth as much as my father, but you have more money for yourself than I have.""I have had, perhaps, but I haven't now.""Why, what's up? What has happened?"

"I have lost my fortune."

John whistled. This was his way of expressing amazement.

"Why, what have you been doing? How could you lose your fortune?""My guardian has lost it for me. That amount to the same thing.""When did you hear that?""This morning."

"Is that true? Are you really a poor boy?"


John Bundy was astonished, but on the whole he was not saddened.

In the estimation of the school Rodney had always ranked higher than he, and been looked upon as the star pupil in point of wealth.

Now that he was dethroned John himself would take his place.

This would be gratifying, though just at present, and till the beginning of the next month, he would be distressed for ready money.

"Well, that's a stunner!" he said. "How do you feel about it?

Shall you stay in school?"

"No; I can't afford it. I must get to work.""Isn't there anything left--not a cent?""There may be a few dollars."

"And then," said Bundy with a sudden thought, "there is this casket of jewelry. You can sell it for a good deal of money.""I don't mean to sell it.""Then you're a fool; that's all I've got to say.""I don't suppose you will understand my feeling in the matter, but these articles belonged to my mother. They are all Ihave to remind me of her. I do not mean to sell them unless it is absolutely necessary.""I would sell them quicker'n a wink," said Bundy. "What's the good of keeping them?""We won't discuss the matter," said Rodney coldly.

  • 金光明经文句


  • The Mysterious Island

    The Mysterious Island

  • 记事珠


  • 佛说治意经


  • 烦躁门


  • 蓝色危机


  • 剑曰之辟邪


  • 逆命武修


  • 孝经


  • 小恶魔的宠妻


  • 平砂玉尺经


  • 穿越:福孕高照


  • 东汉废帝


  • 缘来是你:刁蛮皇妃


  • 长官你好呀


    新书《重生八零美食开道》正在连载中,美食宠文,不极品不纠结。苏因小姐姐满脑子都是如何赚钱,如何做好吃的。 欢迎各位来尝尝哦! 何小姐只是一时兴起撩了一下这位不苟言笑的张长官,可没想到那人却一脸严肃,表示求包养,求负责...何小姐脸上笑嘻嘻,心里MMP。不过还是很愉快的接受了,谁让张长官长得那么和自己的心意呢?1V1,强强,不虐