

Rodney set himself to work searching for a new situation.

But wherever he called he found Some one ahead of him. At length he saw an advertisement for an entry clerk in a wholesale house in Church Street. He applied and had the good fortune to please the superintendent.

"Where have you worked before?" he asked.

"At Otis Goodnow's, on Reade Street."

"How much were you paid there?"

"Seven dollars a week."

"Very well, we will start you on that salary, and see if you earn it."Rodney was surprised and relieved to find that he was not asked for a recommendation from Mr. Goodnow, knowing that he could not obtain one. He went to work on a Monday morning, and found his duties congenial and satisfactory.

Seven dollars a week was small, compared with what he had received as a tutor, but he had about two hundred and fifty dollars in the Union Dime Savings Bank and drew three dollars from this fund every week in order that he might still assist Mike, whose earnings were small.

One of his new acquaintances in the store was James Hicks, a boy about a year older than himself.

"Didn't you use to work at Otis Goodnow's?" asked James one day when they were going to lunch.


"I know a boy employed there. He is older than either of us.""Who is it?""Jasper Redwood. Of course you know him."

"Yes," answered Rodney with a presentiment of evil.

He felt that it would be dangerous to have Jasper know of his present position, but did not venture to give a hint of this to James.

His fears were not groundless. Only the day after James met Jasper on the street.

"Anything new?" asked Jasper.

"Yes; we've got one of your old friends in our store.""Who is it?""Rodney Ropes."

Jasper stopped short, and whistled. He was excessively surprised, as he supposed Rodney still to be Arthur Sargent's tutor.

"You don't mean it?" he ejaculated.

"Why not? Is there anything so strange about it?""Yes. Did Ropes bring a recommendation from Mr. Goodnow?""I suppose so. I don't know.""If he did, it's forged."

"Why should it be?"

"Goodnow wouldn't give him a recommendation.""Why wouldn't he?""Because he discharged Ropes. Do you want to know why?""Yes.""For stealing articles from the store."

It was the turn of James Hicks to be surprised.

"I can't believe it," he said.

"Its true. Just mention the matter to Ropes, and you'll see he won't deny it.""I think there must be some mistake about it. Rodney doesn't look like a fellow that would steal.""Oh, you can't tell from appearances--Rogues are always plausible.""Still mistakes are sometimes made. I'd trust Rodney Ropes sooner than any boy I know.""You don't know him as well as I do.""You don't like him?" said James shrewdly.

"No I don't. I can't like a thief."

"You talk as if you had a grudge against him.""Nothing but his being a thief. Well, what are you going to do about it?""About what?""What I have just told you."

"I don't feel that I have any call to do anything.""You ought to tell your employer.""I am no telltale," said James scornfully.

"Then you will let him stay in the store, knowing him to be a thief?""I don't know him to be a thief. If he steals anything it will probably be found out."Jasper urged James to give information about Rodney, but he steadily refused.

"I leave others to do such dirty work," he said, "and I don't think any better of you, let me tell you, for your eagerness to turn the boy out of his position.""You are a queer boy.""Think so if you like," retorted Hicks. "I might give my opinion of you."At this point Jasper thought it best to let the conversation drop.

He was much pleased to learn that Rodney had lost his fine position as tutor, and was now in a place from which he might more easily be ousted.

As he could not prevail upon James Hicks to betray Rodney he decided to write an anonymous letter to the firm that employed him.

The result was that the next afternoon Rodney was summoned to the office.

"Sit down Ropes," said the superintendent. "For what store did you work before you came into our house?""Otis Goodnow's.""Under what circumstances did you leave?"

"I was accused of theft."

  • 赤雅


  • 尚论后篇


  • Within the Tides

    Within the Tides

  • 大乘阿毗达磨杂集论


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  • 请你破案(结果)


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  • 幽冥是个江湖


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  • An Episode Under the Terror

    An Episode Under the Terror

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  • 路过岁月,遇见你!


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