He rose from his bed, and drew on his trousers. Then in his stocking feet he walked along the corridor till he stood in front of Jefferson Pettigrew's door. He was in doubt as to whether he would not be obliged to pick the lock, but on trying the door he found that it was not fastened. He opened it and stood within the chamber.
Cautiously he glanced at the bed. Mr. Pettigrew appeared to be sleeping soundly.
"It's all right" thought Louis Wheeler. "Now where is the bag of gold?"It was not in open view, but a little search showed that the owner had put it under the bed.
"He isn't very sharp," thought Wheeler. "He is playing right into my hands. Door unlocked, and bag of gold under the bed.
He certainly is a very unsuspicious man. However, that is all the better for me. Really there isn't much credit in stealing where all is made easy for you."There seemed to be nothing to do but to take the gold from its place of deposit and carry it back to his own room. While there were a good many lodgers in the hotel, there seemed to be little risk about this, as every one was asleep.
Of course should the bag be found in his room that would betray him, but Mr. Wheeler proposed to empty the gold coins into his gripsack, and throw the bag out of the window into the back yard.
"Well, here goes!" said Wheeler cheerfully, as he lifted the bag, and prepared to leave the chamber. But at this critical moment an unexpected sound struck terror into his soul. It was the sound of a key being turned in the lock.
Nervously Wheeler hastened to the door and tried it. It would not open. Evidently it had been locked from the outside.
What could it mean?
At the same time there was a series of knocks on the outside of the door. It was the signal that had been agreed upon between Mr. Pettigrew and Rodney. Jefferson had given his key to Rodney, who had remained up and on the watch for Mr.
Wheeler's expected visit. He, too, was in his stocking feet.
As soon as he saw Wheeler enter his friend's chamber he stole up and locked the door on the outide. Then when he heard the thief trying to open the door he rained a shower of knocks on the panel.
Instantly Jefferson Pettigrew sprang out of bed and proceeded to act.
"What are you doing here?" he demanded, seizing Wheeler in his powerful grasp.
"Where am I?" asked Wheeler in a tone of apparent bewilderment.
"Oh, it's you, Mr. Wheeler?" said Jefferson. "Don't you know where you are?""Oh, it is my friend, Mr. Pettigrew. Is it possible I am in your room?""It is very possible. Now tell me why you are here?""I am really ashamed to find myself in this strange position.
It is not the first time that I have got into trouble from walking in my sleep.""Oh, you were walking in your sleep!""Yes, friend Petttigrew. It has been a habit of mine since Iwas a boy. But it seems very strange that I should have been led to your room. How could I get in? Wasn't the door locked?""It is locked now?""It is strange! I don't understand it," said Wheeler, passing his hand over his forehead.
"Perhaps you understand why you have that bag of gold in your hand.""Can it be possible?" ejaculated Wheeler in well counterfeited surprise. "I don't know how to account for it.""I think I can. Rodney, unlock the door and come in."The key was turned in the lock, and Rodney entered with a lighted candle in his hand.
"You see, Rodney, that I have a late visitor. You will notice also that my bag of gold seems to have had an attraction for him.""I am ashamed. I don't really know how to explain it except in this way. When you displayed the gold last night it drew my attention and I must have dreamed of it. It was this which drew me unconsciously to your door. It is certainly an interesting fact in mental science.""It would have been a still more interesting fact if you had carried off the gold.""I might even have done that in my unconsciousness, but of course I should have discovered it tomorrow morning and would have returned it to you.""I don't feel by any means sure of that. Look here, Mr.
Wheeler, if that is your name, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. You are a thief, neither more nor less.""How can you misjudge me so, Mr. Pettigrew?""Because I know something of your past history. It is clear to me now that you were the person that stole John O'Donnell's money.""Indeed, Mr. Pettigrew.""It is useless to protest. How much of it have you left?"Louis Wheeler was compelled to acknowledge the theft, and returned one hundred dollars to Jefferson Pettigrew.
"Now," said Jefferson, "I advise you to leave the hotel at once.
If the boys find out that you are a thief you will stand a chance of being lynched. Get out!"The next morning Jefferson Pettigrew told the other boarders that Louis Wheeler had had a sudden call East, and it was not for a week that he revealed to them the real reason of Wheeler's departure.